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PostSubject: Character Profiles   Character Profiles I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 25, 2011 10:59 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Character Profiles   Character Profiles I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 25, 2011 11:23 pm

Name: Zen
Age: 17
Height: 5'5
Body Type: Athletic
Personality: Tom boy, tough
Backstory: She was a entertainer at Patch's Castle with her brother Shen.
Home: Pangea
Weapon: None
Strengths: Fighting
Other facts: Her best friends are Apollo and Shen.

Last edited by Moe on Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profiles   Character Profiles I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 25, 2011 11:34 pm

Name: Niveus (Lucifer)
Age: 23
Height: 5'8
Body Type: Normal
Personality: Arrogant
Backstory: His name was Niveus, and he lived with his parents as an only child. He was the only albino left, everyone thought that all albino's were gone. When he was born, his parents were happy, yet worried. They knew that some people thought albino's were pure evil.
He was eating dinner with his family, he was 6 years old and he was happy and loved his life. He had no friends, but he didn't need any, all he wanted was to be with his mom and dad. But then, there was a knock on the door. His mother went to see who it was, then this group of people came in and demanded Niveus. Niveus ran up into his room, locked the door and curled up in the corner, he teared up as he heard people trying to knock his door down. Then they made it in his room. Niveus's heart was pounding harshly. A man walked in front of Niveus and took out a crowbar. Niveus tried crawling off but another man grabbed Niveus by his neck. He gasped for air, his legs jerking around. The man waked him in the head with the crowbar. Niveus cried. Begging for them to stop. But they kept hitting him, until he was knocked out…
When he woke up, he was in a building that looked dirty and old. Everyone there starting screaming in fear, then one man walked up to Niveus . He said "Lucifer" and pointed to Niveus. Niveus said "Me?" He nodded. Pointing to Niveus, he kept saying "Jy Lucifer. Jy Lucifer." Niveus was getting confused, but he finally understood that he was being called Lucifer for a new name for him.
Everyone was treated Lucifer nicely, but he was upset because he missed his parents. The people treated him like an important object, they made sure he was always safe. Then, they took Lucifer out on a rainy cold day to meet another group, and when they got there. They pushed Lucifer in front of them and the other group gasped in fear. The group that took care of Lucifer started screaming words, then it became silent. Everyone stared at Lucifer. He was confused and scared. Everyone just kept staring at him. Then the leader of the group that took care of Lucifer grabbed Lucifer by the neck and dragged him off. The grouped followed them to and empty field. Some people in the group started setting up something on the ground. They were all talking in annoyed voices to each other. Then on the ground, there was a pole coming out of the ground and a chain coming off of that. The leader took a collar and put it around Lucifer's neck and hooked the collar to the chain.
The group started walking away, leaving Lucifer in the rain. "Don't go! Please!" They just kept walking. Lucifer started crying, he kept trying to pull himself out of the collar and yanking the pole out of the ground, nothing worked. "STOP! PLEASE!" he yelled while tears run down his face. He just sat there for days. He drank the water from the rain falling down and ate the plants around him. Some days, the sun would come out and hurt him terribly and other days it would rain. He loved the rain because he was pain free and got something to drink. He also enjoyed eating the plants around him. He was so lonely and cold. At some points, he got so scared, he tried suffocating himself with the collar, but he just couldn't do it. At some points, families would walk by, he would beg for help, but they would ignore him like he was nothing. Once, someone actually abused him, they kicked him while he had no where to go. Blood would drip from his face.
Finally after week, a family walked by Lucifer. The family looked at him sadly. Lucifer said "H-help me…" The family helped him out, and Lucifer was so happy. He couldn't wait to get home and see his parents again. The family brought Lucifer to their car and asked where he lived, he told them, and the family started driving. Lucifer had the biggest smile on his face. The family dropped him off in front of his house. The mother of the family asked "What's your name?" Lucifer thought for a while, then said "Niveus." He smiled and ran up to his house.
He walked in the door. "Mommy! Daddy! I'm home!" He looked around and no one was there. He kept looking and looking, but no one was there. He was getting scared. Then, he heard the police come in, one officer went up to Lucifer. "You're alive? He's alive!" The police officers cheered. Lucifer smiled with them. "Yeah, so, where's my parents?" Lucifer asked cutely. The police officers stopped cheering, they looked at each other, one finally kneeled down next to Lucifer. "You know when you were stolen?" He asked. Lucifer nodded. "Well… the people that stole you killed your parents too…" He said. Lucifer frowned. "Why did they kill him?" Lucifer asked. The police officers whispered to each other for a while, then they nodded.
"Because they made you" One said. Lucifer's heart sunk. He stared at the officer. The police officers looked at him then looked at each other, they were whispering about that they could have said that in a nicer way, but it was too late, Lucifer would remember those words they said. "You okay?" One officer asked. Lucifer nodded. "Do you have anyone that can come to your house and take care of you?" He asked. "Like a grandparent or uncle?" Lucifer nodded. The officers knew that they had already had said enough. "Well, call them soon and tell them to come. Okay? Goodbye." The police officers left. Lucifer just stood there for the next hour or so. Lucifer knew he didn't have anyone to take care of him, but he just wanted to be alone.
From then on, he became callous. He kept the name Lucifer instead of Niveus, because he knew he was pure evil.
Home: Pangea
Weapon: ??
Weaknesses: Making friends, getting along with people
Other facts: His best friend is Kody. Piper has a weird obsession over him. He has a guinea pig named Felicity that he loves very much. Lucifer carries a teddy bear around (that Kody gave him) in his jacket. His favorite food is flowers.

Last edited by Moe on Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profiles   Character Profiles I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 25, 2011 11:45 pm

Name: Chaza'el "Py" Kravitz
Age: 15
Height: 5'4
Body Type: Small, skinny
Personality: Cheerful
Backstory: Py lived as a normal teenager in Pangea. He went to school, lived with both his mother and father, who he loves very much. Even though he's 15, he acts much younger. He never really had any friends, but he just always stayed positive. When he found Patch, he wanted to be his best friend, which he tried, and failed, even though he believes that he succeeded. He joined Patch on his adventure into the war with Vestigial.
Home: Pangea
Weapon: Scythe
Strengths: bright, colorful places
Weaknesses: scary, dark places, sad places
Other facts: He believes that his best friend is Patch, though Patch hates him, he got the nickname Py from Patch, he can not use his scythe very well (it is too big for him)

Last edited by Moe on Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profiles   Character Profiles I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 26, 2011 5:26 pm

Name: Toona *last name unknown*
Age: 19
Height: 5'4"
Body Type: Tiny
Personality: Pleasant
Backstory: Toona grew up with her father in a small labratory outside of a small town. She didn't have a mother for most of her childhood, since her mother had died giving birth to Toona. So she usually stayed at home and helped out around the house despite her young age, and since her father wasn't even around most of the time. He usually stayed locked up in a small room for most of the day anyway.
One day, Toona got curious and wondered why her father was always locked up in that little room. So while her father supposibly went out for a little bit, she snuck into the room (since it was unlocked). At first, it seemed like any other room with normal stuff in it- a small little table, some books and a light. But as she started to get farther into the room, there was more to it. There was actually a longer hall in the back of the room, that never seemed to be there before. So obviously, she walked back into the room more. She was extremely determined to find out why her father was always back there and leaving her alone to take care of the house.
The thing is, that wasn't the smartest thing to do. After walking down the hall for a while, she got to a larger room in the back. Instead of having a tiny little desk or all the usual stuff, there where hundreds of computers and small little devises around the room. SInce Toona was only about 6 years old at the time, she had no idea what all of this stuff was. Sure, she knew her dad was a scientist, but she never expected all of that to be in the house.
Just then, her dad ran up behind her and covered her mouth. Since Toona didn't know it was her father, she screamed and tried to bite his hand. But Toona still had most of her baby teeth in, so it didn't really hurt at all. Then her father shoved her into some kind of glass tube thing and made sure that Toona couldn't get out.
Toona didn't know what was happening, so all she did was scream more. She kept wondering, "whats happening to me? Why is daddy doing this to me?" and "What is he gonna do? It's too hot in here! I can't think!" So she started to panic, while her father didn't do anything else but laugh at her. He started to play with a bunch of machines infront of the glass tube, while staring at Toona, to make sure that she didn't somehow get out. After a few minutes, he pressed a large red button on one of the machines, and just stared at Toona for a while. After a few minutes, a bright red beam appeared over Toona, and she once again, started to scream. She started to bang on the glass to try to get out, but since that didn't work, she just sat down in the tube in defeat.
After another few minutes, Toona started to notice that something weird was happening to her- she felt a weird sensation on her head and on her lower back. She jumped up and held onto her head as she screamed in pain. And as soon as she got up, two wolf ears popped out of her head, and a tail burst out from her lower back. She started to jump around the tube and scream...once her father continued to stare and laugh at her.
A few moments later, the bright red light in the tube dissapeared, and all that was left in it was Toona, with wolf ears, a wolf tail, and red markings on her face.
"Finally...I thought that damn process would never end..." Her father said, as he opened up the tube for Toona.
Toona jumped out of the tube and started to scream at her father. "Dad, why did you do this to me? Why do I look like a puppy?!"
"Your aren't a 'puppy'. You're now part wolf. And it seems that my experiment finally worked after all these years... Now, follow me." Then her father grabbed Toona's hand and stared to drag her out.
"Why daddy, why?! I don't wanna!" Toona started to run backward to try to get away from her dad, but it didn't work since he was too strong. "What did I do wrong?!"
Her father then dragged her out of the house and threw her into a truck, and started to drive away from the house. Toona couldn't fight him anymore, so she just knew that she had to go with it and see what happened.
After a few hours, her father pulled over on the side of a road, and grabbed Toona.
"Daddy, where are we? What are you doing? I don't wanna go out on the road!" But her father didn't care what she had to say at all, and he just tossed her on the side of a road and drove off. "Daaaaaad!" Toona tried to scream more and run after him, but after hours of screaming and crying on end, her voice started to fade away into nothing.
Toona walked along the road for hours it seemed, as she tried to ignore the weird looks and the comments from the people driving by her. After another few hours of walking, she saw a huge house with the writing "Orphanage" on it. "...Whats an...orphanage?" Since Toona had no where else to go, she figured that going to the building would be the best choice. So she stood infront of the building doors, and knocked quietly on them.
A few moments went by, then a lady in her mid-30s opened the door and looked at Toona weirdly- it was probably because of the ears and tail. "...Whats your name, hun?"
"...M-my name? name is Toona..." She said quietly, and she started to sniffle. "My daddy kicked me out of his truck and left me on the side of I started to walk around, and I came here. I don't know what an...orphanage is though..." Thinking about her father made her tear up a little bit, but she didn't want to seem like a crybaby infront of the lady.
"O-oh my dear!" The lady then scooped Toona in her arms and brought her in the building.
Ever since that day, Toona lived in the orphanage with the other children and the caretakers, until she decided that she would be able to live on her own. The others agreed that it would be for the best, and that they would let Toona leave- as long as she promised to visit sometimes.
But the thing is- Toona, to this day, still doesn't know where her father is. And she could care less. But her father is secretly looking for her all the time. He wants his first "experiment" back home with all the other experiments that he played with. He wants the other captives to see why they're there in his lab, and why they can't leave. And he blames it all on his first born.
One of the really sad things of all of this is, is that she doesn't remember where she was born, or what her last name is. She used to be such a sheltered child that she didn't even know that much about herself. Except the fact that her father turned her into a "hybrid human" and then abandoned her on the side of a highway.

Home: Pangaea
Weapon: Whip
Strengths: Making friends, being able to stay outside for long periods of time
Weaknesses: Her sensitive ears, unable to swim
Other facts: -Toona is deathly afraid of thunder and lighting, since it claims to hurt her ears.
-She wears a white choker around her neck because it was once her moms, and it reminds her of a dog collar.
-She has a strange obsession with music boxes. The only known explanation to this is because it makes her ears feel good.
-Toona loves to snuggle and cuddle since when she was raised in the orphanage, she didn't get much attention and wasn't held much. She never really got any of that when she was with her father either.

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PostSubject: Re: Character Profiles   Character Profiles I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 26, 2011 5:52 pm

Name: Ume Avaron
Age: 18
Height: 5'2"
Body Type: Dainty, yet tough
Personality: Headstrong
Backstory: In Ume's young life, she was constantly made fun of by the people in her school, and even her own mother. At home, Ume was pretty much a daddy's girl. Ume loved her dad, yet she thought her mom was the spawn of Satan. This was pretty much because whenever Ume went off to school, her mom would always tease her about her ears and told her "Oh, don't let anyone see those god-awful things you call your ears today!!" on her way to school. After a few years of the abuse and teasing from everyone, she packed her things and ran away while her parents were asleep.
Home: Pangaea
Weapon: Japanese Sword *no specific type yet*
Strengths: Looking like a dainty young woman, but then being able to kick someone's ass, her semi-kind nature (depends who she's with)
Weaknesses: Taking her anger out on others, jealously, having a quick tounge
Other facts: -She sometimes mixes Japanese and English together when she talks to herself

/more details of her backstory later

Last edited by ToonaPuppy>3 on Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profiles   Character Profiles I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 26, 2011 9:58 pm

Name: Piper
Age: Unknown (Looks around her 20's)
Height: 5'5
Body Type: Normal
Personality: She is serious around most people, obsessive, crazy
Backstory: Piper lived at Vestigial with her brother, Gage. She always thought loved was overrated, which was pretty ironic due to the fact that she controls the feelings of others. She was told that her powers could be very useful in the war. "Finally.." she thought to herself "I can beat up some losers..." She was told she was going to go against a strong group of people (Apollo's group). She knew she could beat them. As she arrived at Pangea, she was ready to attack the group, when suddenly, she laid her eyes on Lucifer. It was love at first sight, well, for this, obsession at first fight. She called to fight Lucifer, and dragged him off someplace, leaving Gage to fight the rest of the pack (which happened in most fights).
Home: Vestigial
Weapon: Her power (Feelings, emotions, etc.)
Strengths: Using her powers to change peoples feelings
Weaknesses: fighting Lucifer
Other facts: She has a weird obsession with Lucifer, she has a shrine of him in his closet

Last edited by Moe on Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profiles   Character Profiles I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 26, 2011 11:53 pm

Name: Flavien "Flayne"
Age: Unknown (looks around his 20's)
Height: 5'11
Body Type: Slim
Personality: Neat Freak, fancy
Backstory: He was born in Vestigial. He always dreamed of being a maid, because he loved cleaning and always being clean. Also having clean environments. He got older and realized how much he didn't really like living in Vestigial, and started a long adventure, traveling across the bridge connecting Vestigial and Pangea. On the way, he was hoping he could fit in somewhere in Pangea. He found Sonnet, the leader of a group of people from Vestigial, against Vestigial. He joined the group, and he had to stab himself where his power mark was, so he did. He is now in the group and lives in the camps.
Home: Pangea (came from Vestigial)
Weapon: Bow and arrows
Strengths: neat environments
Weaknesses: disgusting, flithy places
Other facts: He usually dresses in fancy Asian outfits.
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profiles   Character Profiles I_icon_minitimeWed May 04, 2011 5:14 pm

Age: 17
Height: 5'6
Body Type: Athletic/slim
Personality: Optimistic
Backstory: in progress...
Home: Pangea
Weapon: none
Strengths: Speed, flexible, able to squeeze into small or strange shaped places
Weaknesses: Taking situations seriously, he is impulsive, being threatening
Other facts: He has a twin sister names Zen
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profiles   Character Profiles I_icon_minitimeWed May 04, 2011 5:17 pm

Name: Patch
Age: 16
Height: 5'4
Body Type: Slim
Personality: Mean spirited
Backstory: Patch was born into the wealthiest family in Pangea. His Dad is the "ruler" of Pangea. Ever since Patch was little he got what he wanted being a rich only child. He is just as you would expect a rich only child to be, typical stereo type. As he got older he never matured enough to figure out that he has to be responsible for himself. Therefore his Dad had this idea to send him out with Apollo(Apollo being his most trusted warrior)to help fight in the war, save the slaves from the Elemental Islands and destroy the leader of Vestigial. Patch hated this idea but he was forced to go after a while.
Home: Pangea
Weapon: Gun
Strengths: Getting people to do what he says, being a threat
Weaknesses: PY!, aiming long distance
Other facts:
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