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PostSubject: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 11, 2011 10:58 pm

Woo! It's Christmas Eve in the Camps! So, their are probably a lot of homemade gifts in this part of Pangea, because I'm not sure how many stores are near by where they are camping out!

All the same stuff that I posted implies to this one too! So just enjoy the forum and all of that stuff!

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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 12, 2011 12:27 am

9:00 am

Flayne was upset. Being in this position with no stores or anything to buy awesome gifts for his friends! He would always dream about giving Sonnet a new spear, Claire a pretty dress, Bambie some new earrings, September some stylish new clothes and Orabella... a beautiful diamond necklace with a matching diamond crown. All of these thoughts just made Flayne more and more upset with himself. He started looking around at the nature around him, trying to find ways to invent these items himself. Flayne was wearing his average asian gear, but it was green and red today, and his hair wasn't in a ponytail. He wasn't wearing his glasses. He was wearing black boots and black puffy pants. This made Flayne life just so much harder than it had to be.

Claire was one of the most prepared people anyone could ever meet. So, when she heard that they were camping out for a long time far away from home, she made sure to bring a few small gifts to give everyone on Christmas. She got small ones for two important reasons; 1. Big ones would be hard to hide and carry around. 2. Christmas wasn't one of their main concerns at the camps. Well, at this point, Claire was still asleep, enjoying the nice relaxing feeling of being ready for Christmas! She smiled in her sleep. She didn't actually care if everyone else didn't give her any gift, because she just loved giving and seeing the people's reaction to seeing the gifts! It made her feel so loved!

Up all night... again... Phineas hated this weather! He is still only wearing his little vest, tight thin pants, thong, headband, gloves and boots! Winter sucked! He would always sleep so far away from the camps because he was too scared to ask if they had any room for him to sleep with them. And asking to borrow some warm clothes would have made it worst! He was cuddled close to his knife and hugged it tightly while the blade lightly dug into his chest. Dry blood was covering his body and he shook violently. He didn't even realize that it was near Christmas time, he can't even keep track of the dates in winter. All the days feel like just one long, restless day. But if he could have one Christmas wish, it would be to be curled up close to anyone, in one of those tents, just for one night. He just wanted one good nights sleep. Was that too much to ask for?
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 14, 2011 10:02 pm

Sonnet already awake, was outside sitting on a tree. She is wearing a green jacket and blue jeans. She watched Flayne walking around trying to figure out what he is doing. She decided she will let him find her unless it takes him forever.

Bambie stayed sleeping he was gonna try and sleep as long as he could without being awaken by someone, normally Flayne having a break down. But he hasn't herd Flayne break down yet so many for once he will get some sleep.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 14, 2011 11:00 pm

Oh how Orabella hated the cold weather. She was the kind of person that was always happy in the spring and summer and maybe even the fall, but once winter hit her mood became quiet and calm. Almost as if the cold weather drained all of the energy out of her body. "Mmm..." She mumbled quietly to herself. She was laying in the tent by herself, wondering how she would ever manage to get gifts for the others. Orabella was wearing a large, puffy blue coat with bright blue pants to match it. She also had soft white slippers on her feet. "I wonder if anyone will come in and say hi, but probably not since they're all looking around for gifts..." She sighed quietly to herself, as she stood up and stood by herself for a while.

"Christmaaas..." September mumbled to himself as he snuggled under his covers and smiled happily. For pajamas, he was wearing a tank top and long baggy sweatpants. September loved the cold, so he always embraced it and welcomed it with open arms. Christmas was also his favorite holiday, so it was natural for him to love this time of year. And of course, September already had all of his shopping done for everyone- even Phineas. He had made most of the gifts in the spring and summer since that's when most of the flowers came out. So he had made everything by hand. Oh September you nature loving man.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 16, 2011 8:24 pm

Flayne just looked around and thought for a little bit.. He was trying to come up with a really good plan for the gifts.. or at least an excuse for not having any! Okay, so, the is nothing good to make presents with out here and I have none prepared already! So what can I possibly do?! My choices are make very crappy gifts, or just make an excuse for having none.. Well, it's the thought that counts, right? So maybe if I make crappy gifts, no one will care? he thought, now he was thinking of crappy gifts that he could make for everyone that wasn't just a pile of snow or a brach from a tree..

Claire continued to sleep. Surprisingly, she hasn't been awakened by a spazzing Flayne yet. Oh well, you just have to be patient, because he will start going complete insane. But Claire never understood how he gets stuck in this situation every year. Why doesn't he learn from his mistakes?

Phineas just kept shivering. He looked over that the camps. He could just imagine how warm it could be over there. That's it! He realized that if he think warm thoughts, he would become warm! Now he needed to think of something that makes you warm. What about having violent se- no, that's weird to think about! Who would he imagine being his... mate anyway? He just looked around to find a victim of his awkward method of becoming warm. There were only two people outside other than him, and they were Sonnet and Flayne. Sonnet's a girl, so she's safe. Flayne LOOKS like a girl, so he's safe too. Ug... now that that fantasy failed, time to come up with a new one..
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 18, 2011 9:46 pm

Sonnet watched Flayne trying to figure out what he was doing though she didn't really care that much. She sat up there waiting for something exciting to happen but not much could happen since there were only two people outside.

Bambie continued to sleep but wondered if he was the only one still sleeping so he opened his eyes for a little bit. He noticed Flayne wasn't there but september still was still there. So he is not the only one still sleeping. He relaxed again but couldn't seem to fall back asleep. Bored, he looks over at September thinking about poking him.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 20, 2011 5:22 pm

Sighing to herself more, Orabella walked to the entrance of the tent and poked her head out of the opening. Looking around for a bit, she soon saw Flayne walking around and blushed. "Flaaayne!" She whispered, but loud enough for most people around her to hear. Something in the back of her mind told her he wasn't listening...or caring right now.

"Maybe I'll go get some fresh air for a little bit..." September whispered to himself as he started to walk out of the tent and out into the open, unaware of the pleasure he was about to bring to a certain person. He looked around at the scenery around him, and stuck his tongue out lightly as if to catch a non-existent snowflake. "I wish it would snow..." He said as he looked around and saw a panicked Flayne walking around outside. Oh Flayne...
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2011 7:07 pm

Flayne walked over to a rock and picked it up, then picked up some small twigs on the ground. He plopped himself down on the ground and put them in a form on the ground that made it look like a person; a rock head and 4 sticks that made up the body. What a masterpiece. He smiled at the artwork. He thought there was still a few things missing from this "doll". He pulled a handful of yellow dying grass from the ground, and laid it around the rock in such a manner that made it look like blonde hair. Nice. Now all this "doll" needs is a face and some clothes. Flayne continued his search.

A dream started to form in Claire's mind as she slept, it went like this; Claire was in the middle of a cold, cold snow storm, alone. She could hardly see through the swirling snow flakes, but if she could see, all there would be to look at would be snow piles. She hugged herself tightly, hoping for some sort of prince to swoop her away into a warm palace. The snow started to part in the middle in front of her and the snow flakes started to spin away from her. She opened her eyes slowly and gazed in front of her. The was a silhouette there. Who was it?

Phineas then saw September walk out of the tent. Is September the one with the six pack? He doesn't remember. So let's just say he's the one with the six pack. The fantasy begins; Phineas is in a nice, hot island. He's a dainty merman, sitting on a rock, not too far off the coast of this island. Sweat ran down Phineas's face and his moist body. He lightly splashed his tail in the ocean and occasionally flipped some water onto his face. He had a cross necklace around his nice that was gold and glistened in the bright sunshine. From a distance, a ship was seen and it was coming up to the shore. 'Whose boat could that be?' the red-headed merman thought to himself. Phineas could already feel himself warming up.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 01, 2012 4:11 pm

Sonnet got down from the tree and made her way over to Flayne and tapped him on the shoulder. "Who is that for?" She asks Flayne curiously

Bambie soon realized he was the only one left in the guys tent maybe even the only one still sleeping. Well as much as he loved sleeping he hated being last. He gets up and walks out into the cold and over to september. "Im cold." He complains
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 5:05 pm

Noticing that Flayne didn't hear her call, Orbella sighed and started to walk out of the tent and into the cold. She began to feel lonely, and since that was the feeling she hated the most, she walked over to Flayne and stood next to him quietly. "Hi Flaaayne..." She cooed. "it's really cold out today. I'm not used to the feeling of it..."

"Hmmm...maybe I should make more gifts for the others?" September said quietly to himself, as he pushed his arms up into the air and stretched, making obnoxious noises in the process. This also revealed his six pack and his lower crotch area. Poor September, he didn't even know that he was being watched. Or know that he was in someone's dirty fantasies.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 5:29 pm

Flayne was startled by Sonnet, he thought no one would come up to him. He looked up at her and said "... I'm not actually sure yet, when I'm done it, I'll figure it out..." He kept looking for more things for this "doll", then he heard an angel talk to him. Wait, it was just Orabella. Flayne looked over at Orabella and blushed. "Hello Orabella!" he said. "Y-yeah, it is pretty cold.." he said shyly as he kept trying to work on this present he's making, but he was just way too distracted at this point.

The shadowy figure had long, lushes hair and it blew beautifully through the wind. It was Flayne(obviously)! How majestic! And it wasn't just Flayne, it was Flayne the satyr! Okay, even Claire isn't that weird. She woke up suddenly after seeing Flayne as a satyr. Claire still thought it was pretty attractive, yet, frightening. She was debating to either get up and get started on the day, or to go back to bed and hope for a less creepy dream.

The man on the boat was a pirate. He wore a big hat with a skull and cross bones on it, an eyepatch and his pirate jacket was opened enough to see is six pack, not to mention that his pants were lower than they should have been. Phineas was lovestruck by him. He wanted to bang him, and wanted to bang him now! Phineas kept thinking about this, thinking about making a novel out of it. He would call it Merman's Lust or something creepy like that.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 03, 2012 10:25 pm

Sonnet just watches him attempt to make a doll and looks at Orabella and waves. "Did you disinfect that before touching it..." Sonnet says but immediately regrets saying it knowing that may lead to a Flayne freak out.

Bambie still standing next to September pokes him. "Its really cold outside..." Bambie says still trying to wake up. He hates the morning but whatever he got himself up already he might as well stay awake it should be an easy day anyways
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 04, 2012 6:13 pm

Orabella looked down at the ground and saw Flayne's little doll and smiled. "That's really cute Flayne! Who are you making it for?" She asked curiously as she held onto one of the long strands of hair on her head. After a few moments of just standing there, she just noticed what she was missing. "Oh yeah bestie, merry Christmas!~" Orabella said cheerfully. She then looked over and saw Sonnet, waved, and smiled at her. "Merry Christmas Sonnet!~"

"Yeah, making more gifts would be really fun..." September whispered as he looked around at the landscape. He then noticed Bambie next to him and smiled happily. "Hi Bambie!" September said cheerfully. "Yeah, it is really cold...well, I love the cold so this doesn't bother me that much!" He said cheerfully as he stretched again.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 06, 2012 9:33 pm

Flayne frowned at Sonnet. "N-no.. b-but I will be sure to wash my hands very well after I am done with this, and I will be sure to disinfect it for whoever gets this, because it would be very rude to give someone something so dirty!" he told her. Flayne looked over at Orabella and said "Thanks! And I'm not really sure yet.. When I see the finished product, I will know who it is for right away!" He kept grabbing all of these random things on the ground and adding it to the "doll" to make it more realistic. "Merry Christmas, b-bestie..." he said quietly. He hated that word; Bestie. It made his skin crawl. He wanted to be called something cooler, like... baby! But that's kinda creepy... Never mind...

Claire decided that since she was done all of her Christmas presents and had nothing to really do today, she would catch up on sleep that she had probably missed from being awoken by Flayne screaming and ranting about everything wrong... She closed her eyes and fell asleep fast. She snored and breathed quietly while tightly holding her glasses in her right hand.
(I will start as Claire again when she wakes up~)

This pirates name was October! Or was it December? ... No! It was September! That was it! Anyways, this pirate looked at the merman, and was afraid of the one thing that could ruin this relationship; for he was from Pangea, and the merman was from the majestic Vestigial. This romance would never work out! The pirate's boat stopped by the shore, and he heroically jumped off the ship, landing on his two feet perfectly. September looked back at the merman sadly. The merman stared at the pirate, wanting him to come closer, alas, the pirate just went further onto the island, leaving the merman behind on the rock. Phineas looked down at his reflection in the water, frowning. His reflection was as sad as he was. He clenched his fists in sorrow and began to cry. What was wrong with him? What does he have to do to get love? This is turning... depressing... But of course it was, Phineas is obvious has depression.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 8:51 pm

Sonnet just watched Flayne try putting the doll together. "We shoud actually do something different today" she says not knowing exactly what she means "But if were gonna do something we have to wait for Claire to get up first...any suggestions."

Bambie looks up at September. "Well you like the natural cold but do you like things like air conditioning. Like manmade cold?" Bambie asks
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 9:10 pm

"That's good!" Orabella said happily as she put her hands in her pockets and yawned softly. She wondered what Flayne would get her for Christmas, but she just figured she would have to wait and see until later. "I wish it was warm around this time of year, it would make everything so much nicer..." She whispered to herself. Then Orabella looked over at Sonnet and shrugged a little. "Nope...well, I guess we could just get ready for the holiday?"

September put his finger on his chin and tapped it slightly. He never really thought about what kind of cold he liked, so he just shrugged. "I'm not sure really, I never really thought about it...I like all kinds of cold, but the natural cold air always feels so nice!" He said happily. September then dug his foot into the dirt and played around with it for a little.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 10:08 pm

"Well, I REALLY need to get these presents done, Sonnet. So maybe you, Orabella, Bambie and September should do something.. and if Claire ever wakes up!" Flayne said. Flayne looked at Orabella. "You look so... c-cute today, Orabella.." he said, blushing a little. He felt embarrassed by his comment and quickly turned away and continued working on the doll. When he was done with the doll, he would spray it with disinfectant spray quickly, and spray his hands with it. This was so gross.

God! This was way to depressing for Phineas. So he just skipped all of the sad stuff and went right to the sex. He has very good imagination, so this would make him so happy to do. He smiled and started his fantasy. (Which I will not be describing because that's gross.. lol) He closed his eyes and started to moan, his face was a bright colored red. He started moaning louder and louder. If someone heard him and caught him doing this, he would be embarrassed more than ever! He continued anyway, forgetting about the world around him and just thinking about the fantasy. He was laying on the ground with his legs wide opened and his mouth opened wide. "A-ahh!" he moaned loudly.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 10:22 pm

"I think everyone would rather have you do something special with us instead of finishing the presents." Sonnet says. She looks around, she already finished everyones presents.

"Well I guess the cold could be nice, but I don't know it makes people sick and stuff. But snow is fun to step in and look at..." Bambie says
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2012 11:32 am

"Claire takes forever to wake up..." Orabella said quietly, stretching her arms into her pockets and stretching her legs out in front of her. She then heard Flayne in the middle of her stretching and turned red. "O-oh, thank you Flayne! You look really handsome today too!~" She said happily as she looked at Sonnet. "Yeah, I think it would be nice if we all did something nice together for the holidays. Although...I'm not sure what we could do..."

September chuckled at Bambie's comment and crossed his arms at his chest. "Well actually, it's the bacteria in the cold that makes you sick, not the cold itself!" He said happily as he scratched the back of his head with one of his hands. "I love the snow! It's fun to sit in and just roll around in~" September was quite enthusiastic about nature...a little too enthusiastic.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2012 3:59 pm

"Fine.. but no one better be disappointed when they don't get a present from me!" Flayne said as he stood up slowly and wiped the snow and dirt off of his pants. He grabbed his hand sanitizer and put a bucket load on his hands and started rubbing it around, it was freezing. He turned bright red when he heard Orabella call him handsome. His heart beat fast and his hands started to get warm and sweaty. "Th-thank you.." he said quietly. Then he started thinking about what they could all do together. "We can make an igloo!" he suggested, sounding like a little kid.

Phineas kept laying there and making these awkward noises. He was definitely getting warm, because he started to sweat and a little drool started to leak from his mouth. He moaned extremely loud that was literally a scream. He couldn't help it, the (mushrooms) orgasms made him do it! He covered his mouth quickly and opened his eyes. He was embarrassed. He curled up in a ball and hoped that no one heard that.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2012 4:32 pm

"I could careless who is getting me something and who isn't. We don't have a lot of money, presents don't come first here." Sonnet says and listens to Flaynes suggestion, it was kinda childish but it could be some what fun "Do you really want to make an igloo?" she asks

Bambie cocked his head not really getting this concept "Wait, then why do most people get sick in winter?Bambie ask. "I like the snow to, its pretty and fun and stuff..." bambie kicked around the snow and smiled a little at it.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2012 4:43 pm

"Yeah, I kind of figured that..." Orabella said sadly as she watched Flayne dump the hand sanitizer on his hands. "You're welcome besite!" She said. She then looked back and forth between Sonnet and Flayne. She liked the idea of making an igloo, but she wasn't sure what Sonnet would say about it. "Could we make an igloo? It sounds like a lot of fun!" Orabella said happily.

September thought about his question, and not knowing what the answer was. "I'm not sure...I guess it's that the bacteria from the germs is more active in the cold? Who knows.." He said laughing. Then the looked around and smiled. "I love the snow too! It's so much fun to play in!" He then turned his head, and looked around more. September swore he heard an awkward noise somewhere in the camp, but for all he knew it could have been Flayne making love to a broom.

Last edited by Seppy on Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:46 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I'm a dumbass)
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2012 5:03 pm

"I guess you're right Sonnet..." Flayne said. He kept blushing at Orabella. "Igloos are cool! We can make it a-and go in it!" he said happily as he started to run towards an area with a lot of snow. "Should we get September and Bambie to join in with us?" he asked Sonnet and Orabella from the distance. He sat down in the snow and started making the igloo.

Phineas looked around and realized that no one heard him, or at least thought he didn't do it. He looked at September and Bambie. Ug, now he could never look at September the same way ever again. When he looked at September, all he could think about is that he was a pirate. He probably doesn't even know his name! He didn't know if he should talk to them or not. Oh well, he was going to anyway. He walked over to September and Bambie and said "Hello!" awkwardly.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 19, 2012 2:41 pm

Though Sonnet found the igloo idea childish, she thought it could be fun. "Yeah, we could make an igloo. Sure we can get September and Bambie to come over here and make it with us." She said as she looked over to where September and Bambie were and noticed Phineas. "Is he really here again, shouldn't he make friends with his kind." She says kinda annoyed. She was not really found of Phineas since he is technically the enemy.

Bambie smiled at September "Well I don't like bacteria then, cause I don't like getting sick. Well I don't think anyone does...." He notices Phineas and really didn't know why he always came to the camp, Bambie didn't hate him or anything he just found it strange. "Hi Phineas." Bambie says
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 23, 2012 5:42 pm

"That would be fun! It can get me out of these winter blues that I've been having lately..." Orabella said, hoping that the igloo would really help her cheer up. She then looked over at September and Bambie and shrugged a little. "Maybe we could wait for a little until we get some of the igloo made? If the snow gets too heavy September could help us with them!"

September laughed and smiled a little. "I don't really like it either, but it's one of those things that you have to put up with!" He said, thinking about how smart he sounded at the moment. He kinda liked it. September then looked over at Phineas and waved to him sweetly. "Hi Phineas, Merry Christmas~" He said cheerfully, being glad that he could spread the cheer of the holidays around more.
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