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Christmas! Empty
PostSubject: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 11, 2011 10:53 pm

It's Christmas Eve in Pangea! Right now, characters can be getting their presents ready for other characters or be doing their last minute shoppings! Everyone is probably wearing different outfits this time or year, since it's cold and everyone should be in the Christmas spirit, so please describe what they are wearing!

This same topic will be used every year around the Christmas time or whenever we are just in the mood for a nice Christmas RP, like Christmas in July!

You don't have to use all of you're characters in this topic, but I think it would be fun to use all of them! Because it's cool to see what everyone would get everyone else!

We can probably run this forum a little after Christmas too because we will still be in the spirit and we'll have lots of time off to reply to all of the replies! So enjoy the Christmas-ness!~

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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 11, 2011 11:45 pm

9:00 am

Zen is in her house, putting on all of her equipment to make it through the cold, winter outside. She puts on a nice, loose t-shirt, then some baggy sweat pants. She quickly walked into the bathroom and did her hair and teeth, and proceeded to walk back out into her room to continue her dressing procedure. She is already wearing her socks because her feet were freezing all night long and she decided to put them on in the middle of the night. So she proceeds to put on a big, puffy coat and a knitted hat. Her coat was a pale blue color with white polka dots on it and big fluffs of some type of fur popped out around to bottom of the coat, the bottom of the sleeves, and the around the collar of the coat and hood. She put on a knitted hat that was just white. Nothing really special about it. She quickly pulled on her white winter boots, with a nice tint of brown along the rims on the bottom of the boots. Under all of the snow, if a ton of wet dirt. She quickly slipped on her white gloves and walked out of her room and towards the front door of her house. Being as responsible as she is, she already bought all of the gifts that she wanted to buy for all of her friends, actually, she did it about a month ago. She is always prepared for holidays.

Still in slumber, Py snored quietly. He didn't really know it was Christmas time or anything. He's jewish, and he's Py. But he finally opened his eyes a little and looked around. He stood up, stretched, and moaned in the cutest way. He stumbled his way over towards the window in his room. Rubbing his right eyes with one hand and wiping the frost off his window with the either, he looked around at the outside world. This is what he saw; the red and green lights, the big, inflatable fat guys with the white beards and the red outfits, and all of those other colorful things he sees exactly this time of year. He didn't really know what it was, but all he could think about is the PRESENTS his friends would give him anyway. He woke up right away after thinking about the presents. He thought that, this year, it would be nice to give his friends some presents too! Py went in the bathroom and brushed his teeth, but not his hair.. Py slipped on his average outfit, and tried pulling his socks up higher than average today to keep more warm. He grabbed his piggy-bank and shook it to hear all of the change inside. Not much, but he REALLY wanted to get his friends gifts! He ran down the stairs as he waved good-bye to his mom and dad. Brr.. Was it cold out! Py started shaking like crazy and hugged his piggy-bank for warmth. The piggy-bank didn't make him feel warm, but the feeling of giving hugs did.

Apollo was already up and shopping. He is wearing a comfy, green jacket and form-fitted his body fairly well. He was wearing some black slacks and shoes with it and no hat or anything on this head, just his fluffy hair. He had bags and bags filled with gifts for everyone. Apollo is so sweet, he loves giving gifts during Christmas. And he always gets up early, because he wants everything to be a surprise, and honestly, most of his friends are not up this early. He was making a lot of progress, but there were some people he just couldn't think of presents for! And those people were Patch and Ume. Patch was picky, and he did not want to get the wrong thing that would make him mad at him. Ume just always gets Apollo amazing gifts that he can't beat every year! He already had everyone else's gifts, he just needed to wrap them up.. But the thought of getting both Patch and Ume crappy gifts just made Apollo frantic. What is he gonna buy? How much will they cost? Why is this is hard to do!?

"Mommy! This gift is from Santa!" "Yes it is Niveus! Open it up and see what he got you!" "Wow! It's just what I wanted mom! It's the toy truck I asked for!" "Well, I guess you've been a good boy this year!" It's the same dream every year. Imagining opening up the gifts under the tree with his loving parents. Tears would always run down Lucifer's face during these dreams, yet, a small smile would be upon his face. He just wishes that he could see his parents one last time, just to thank them for being the greatest parents ever. His eyes opened, realizing he was back in reality. He frowned quickly and was back in his bad mood. He wiped the tears from his face. "Every year.." he began. "I have that same dream.. I wish that it would just become reality and that I could be back in my parent's arms on Christmas day, opening presents with the people I love the most..." he whispered.

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Christmas! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 12, 2011 10:52 pm

Shen remains sleeping, he has nothing to worry about today. He is wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts because thats what he always wears to bed and he feels it shouldn't change cause of the seasons. He cuddles up with as many blankets as he can.

Patch walked outside in a nice not so puffy grey jacket, ear muffs, hand muffs and a scarf but he was still shivering. He really had no idea why he was out already he just couldn't really fall asleep the night before. He spots Py outside and decides it would be a good idea to walk the opposite way as him. He turns around walking away from where Py is.

Kody knocks on Lucifers door and waits for him to answer. He hold an early present for Lucifer and continues to wait. He is wearing a sweatshirt and a scarf. He knew he should have wore more but he left his winter coat at Lucifers place anyways.

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Christmas! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 13, 2011 5:12 pm

Just like every other morning, Ume was sleeping soundly in her bed, hidden under all of the blankets. The only part of her body that wasn't buried was the top of her head. Even though today was Christmas eve, she had no reason to panic and say "Oh god, tomorrow is Christmas and I haven't even gone shopping yet!", since she had gotten all of her shopping done a few days ago. Oh how she loved getting all of the sales. For Christmas she had gotten Zen, Shen, Apollo, and Elena a gift. She could care less about getting anyone else anything, for those were the only people she really cared about.

"Oh yay, I'm so glad it's Christmas eve!" Elena said to herself as she walked around her house gathering things. Elena had already been up 2 hours already since she loved the mornings, and she already had 3 cups of tea. Elena was wearing a gray long sleeve shirt with black jeans, and she was also wearing blue puffy slippers and her usual hat. Elena had already gotten all of her gifts that she needed for everyone, and she even got a gift for everyone! Even though they were small gifts, she knew everyone would enjoy them.

"'s too cold..." Toona mumbled under hear breath. She was wearing a long white coat with thick gray boots, as well as a white puffy hat. Toona had to go and get some fresh air outside like she always did, but she didn't expect it to be this cold. Tis the season. Since Toona didn't have much money to spare around this time of season, she only got small gifts for a select group of people besides Lucifer and Kody. For them, she had gotten them...fairly expensive gifts, but she was slowly starting to regret this in fear that they wouldn't enjoy them.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 14, 2011 10:13 pm

Zen walks out of the front door. Shivers shoot straight down her spine, it felt as if people were impaling her with ice. She started shaking and hugged herself tightly. Zen's body usually overreacted to the weather. In winter, she shivered like crazy. It almost looked like she was vibrating. In summer, she would sweat.. a lot. Oh well. Since all of her shopping and crap was done, she decided to socialize and ask if her friends were done all of their shopping. She slowly dragged her feet across the ground as she began her search to find the others.

Py finally stopped embracing the piggy-bank, and started walking towards the shopping center. Huh, I don't wanna go alone, but then my friends will see what I'm getting them! he thought. Py hated being alone. Without his friends, he actually acted pretty shy, which is very surprising. Because around his friends, he acts like a total goof ball. He decided to go alone, which did upset him, and he continued walking towards the stores. He kinda hoped that he would run into one of his friends along the way.

Apollo just started staring off into space. Just trying to think of a good gift for both of them. He ends up just walking into the most random store. He didn't even look at what the store was called or what was on display, he just walked right in. He just kept walking forward while he was in the store. Let's see... What does Patch like..? Maybe he likes action figures? Or stuffed animals? I don't even know... What about Ume? What does she- his train of thought was cut off as he ran into a mannequin. The mannequin was wearing a very showy lingerie outfit. It was for Christmas too. It was red with a white, fluffy trim around the panties and bra. This was embarrassing. Apollo's face turned bright red. He was still processing what actually just happened to him..

Lucifer slowly stands up and stretches. Mornings sucked so bad for Lucifer. For the whole day, all he could think about is having to get up the next day, even though in this case, the next day is Christmas day. Christmas really ment nothing to Lucifer after his parents died and he only celebrated with his friends. He put on a black thermal shirt and black baggy sweatpants. He heard a knock on the door. Must be Kody. Kody is obviously the only person that cared about about Lucifer, well, that's what Lucifer thought. "I'm coming!" he yelled as he slowly walked out of his room and towards the front door.

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Christmas! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 18, 2011 9:28 pm

Shen, enjoying his sleep way to much and falls off his bed. he wakes up and just stares at the ceiling not feeling like moving. "Zen..." Shen moaned wanting her to come in so he could complain to her though he worried she was already 'out and about'.

Patch looked back smiling, for once Py didn't notice him. He started to run the other way but he tripped and screamed a little. His hands were in his hand muffs causing a face plant into the snow. He quickly sat up, getting the snow of his face, and looked around hopping no one noticed that and hopping Py didn't hear him.

Kody stood outside waiting for Lucifer to come, Lucifer said he was coming but that could mean a few minutes knowing Lucifer. "Okay!" Kody says back

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Christmas! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 20, 2011 5:31 pm

"Mmmm..." Ume was still asleep in bed, not really wanting to leave her warm little sanctuary and go out into the outside world. It was just one of those days. But surprisingly she was able to wake herself and start to stare at a wall with an expressionless look on her face.

Elena sat down on a couch in her living room as she began to start drinking her fourth cup of tea, wondering how the next few days of the holiday would plan out. Suddenly she realized that people would probably be getting gifts for her too! "Oh! I wonder if anyone will realize that I love tea so maybe someone will get me some kind of tea bags!" She said happily as she pulled her phone out and sipped at the tea calmly.

"I wonder what Lucifer and Kody are doing...?" Toona whispered to herself, not noticing what direction she was walking in. Voluntarily, she began to walk towards Lucifer's house like she did every morning. As she was doing this, she started to play different scenarios of what would happen when she gave them the gifts. And of course, she thought of the most horrible reactions.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2011 2:19 pm

Zen wasn't really sure if anyone else was actually outside, so she decided to just sit down on a nearby bench and wait to see if anyone sees her or if she sees them. She lifted her legs up and onto the bench that was frozen over from frost. The bench just made her even more cold.

Py heard something, and that something was Patch. He turned and saw Patch. He smiled with delight. "Patch!" he called out as he waved his arms back and forth. He started to make his way towards Patch, but then he just ended up falling flat on his face. His piggy bank went flying high up into the air. Py looked up and watched his piggy bank start to fall. He held his arms out as far as he could, trying to catch the piggy bank.

Embarrassed Apollo runs out of the store, panting. He can't believe that happened to him, and he enjoyed it! He face palmed him self lightly as he continued walking around, looking at all of the stores. Still trying to think of something to get Patch and Ume. I could get Patch a decent hair cut? he thought as he started laughing at his insult.

Lucifer violently swung the front door opened and just stared at Kody for a few moments until he said "... Good morning..." Lucifer sure did act like a Scrooge every Christmas. The only thing he really hated more than being without his parents during the holiday, was the mistletoes! He hated seeing people be kissed that weren't him!

(Would either of you mind if we ran these Christmas forums after Christmas? c:)
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Christmas! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 01, 2012 3:31 pm

Shen gives up on Zen coming to help him so he gets up and gets changed. He goes outside to find Zen. He saw her on the bench and walks over "Zen! I fell out of bed this morning!" Shen says as if it were exciting news.

He groans at the sight of Py. But for some reason he wanted to catch that piggy bank, he reaches out for it, taking his hand muffs off. He kinda catches it but can't get a grasp on the cold piggy bank with his hands.

Kody smiles at Lucifer and hands him his early present, a bag of flowers, knowing how hard it is to find flowers this time of year. "H-happy Holidays." Kody says sweetly

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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 5:15 pm

"Maybe I should actually get up and move around a little..." Ume mumbled to herself as she slowly dragged herself out of bed and put her clothes on that were on her dresser. She was wearing a long black dress like usual, and small black socks. "Now for the worst part of the day..." She said, picking up her brush and starting to brush it through her hair.

Elena gazed at her phone for a few moments, curious to see as if the phone would light up with a message. "I guess not..." Elena said while pouting. So she started to pull up numbers on her phone and went to Py's number. She then texted him "Good morning Py! How are you?~"

After walking for a while, Toona finally reached Lucifer's house, and she was quite happy to see him and Kody standing outside of the front door. Smiling, she ran up to them and stood beside the door and looked up at them both. "Hi you guys! Merry Christmas eve!"
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 6:15 pm

Zen closed her eyes and decided to take a nap, and if someone found her, they could wake her up and talk to her, but for now, she had a ticket to snooze town and she wanted to use it. She kept her eyes closed, but she always had trouble falling asleep when it was cold. Her bed always had 4 blankets on it that she would sleep under, and she still had trouble falling asleep. Oh well, might as well just try. Then she heard Shen. She lifted her head up and rubbed her eyes. "Oh, why are you so happy about that?" she asked.

Py noticed that Patch caught it and smiled happily.. and squealed. "Patch! You saved my piggy-bank!" he yelled as he grabbed his piggy-bank from Patch and hugged it longingly. "You're my hero!" he said to Patch. Suddenly, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and this awkward sounding song started playing from his pocket. He giggled. The vibrating of his phone always made him feel happy, and kinda horny, but he didn't actually know what horny was. He took his phone and saw the message from Elena, he started texting back, very slowly. "hi elena! im really good! : ) im about 2 start shoping for u and everyone else! and patch caught my piggy bank that almost fel on the ground! : o" Sent. Py was a pretty bad texter, and he knew it, but he didn't care.

Apollo walked by a hair-cuttery, how ironic. Then he saw this jewelry store. "...Does Ume like jewelry?" he asked himself. But what girl doesn't like jewelry? Maybe he'll get her a necklace. He walked into the store. All around the store were girls. Girls girls girls. This was truly awkward. Apollo looked around in the display cases. He thought he would look for something with purple on it, because she has purple hair. But does she actually like the color purple? Hopefully she does. He looked for a few minutes, then saw this necklace. It was beautiful. It was a diamond necklace with a purple jem in the middle. He stared at it, just taking in the beauty of it. The diamond was shaped as a heart though, Apollo didn't want her to take the present in a wrong way thinking that it was romantic.. she's smart though, she knows Apollo is in a relationship. He looked at the price. What the--!

Lucifer stared at Kody for a few seconds and squinted his eyes. "You can say merry Christmas, neither of us are jewish or muslim." he stated firmly. Then he looked at Toona. "Say happy holidays, Kody's muslim." he said to her. He hated the holidays, he had enough of hearing anything about the holidays, he just wanted them to be over so he could stop having these haunting dreams about his parents on Christmas.

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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 9:55 pm

Shen looked at her not knowing how to answer that question "Because...I didnt need your help getting up after falling I guess....I don't I thought it would be fun to talk about" Shen says and smiles at her "So what are you up to in this cold cold cold cold weather?"

Patch blushed because he was embarrassed that he actually helped Py. "Im not your hero, I just caught the stupid thing cause I naturally do that when things are falling..." Patch says trying to come up with some reason why he caught it. Patch picked up his hand muff and put it back on. He stood up shivering and looked around trying to pick a place to go.

Kody smiled at Toona "Merry Christmas." he looked back over at Lucifer "S-sorry, Im n-not Muslim, I meant t-to say M-Merry Christmas." Kody says while trying to hand Lucifer his present. Kody still cold was hoping lucifer would invite them in.

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Christmas! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 04, 2012 6:20 pm

Ume started to brush her hair softly, tilting her head to the side as she made sure that the brush got through every knot in her hair. After about 10 minutes, she placed the brush down that was now full of her hair. She brushed her teeth and walked downstairs into her living room and put a small orange jacket on. "I wonder what everyone else is doing? Maybe I should go and find Zen or Apollo and wish them a Merry Christmas..." Ume whispered as she put her boots on slowly.

Satisfied with her text message being sent, Elena laid back on her couch and smiled happily. She didn't use her phone besides making calls or texting, and maybe the occasional game. Elena was just the kind of people that didn't need that. After a few minutes she felt her phone go off and smiled at Py's little text message. He wasn't the best texter, but she would never tell him that. "That's good to hear! :3 Oh, you're just going shopping today? Well, it's always good to get the last minute sales! Oh wow, how did he catch it?" Oh Elena and your fancy texting.

"O-oh, since when was Kody muslim?" Toona said, cocking her head to one side and looking back and forth between Lucifer and Kody. Then she heard Kody's confirmation on the matter and she smiled. "Something told me that you weren't! Toona then looked down at him present to Lucifer and smiled a little bit. She wondered if it was a good time to give the presents out yet, but she figured it wasn't the right time to do so.
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Christmas! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 06, 2012 9:14 pm

Zen just stared at Shen for a few moments, then smiled a little, a giggled. "You are so weird, Shen..." she said quietly. Then she said "I'm out here just waiting to see if any of ours friends come out to, y'know, hang out or something." She shrugged a little. Maybe it would be more smart to go to one of her friends houses then just wait in the freezing cold... Oh well, maybe if Shen brings up to do that, she'll tag along with him.

"But you saved my piggy-bank! If it were to brake, I would cry and have to carry all of my change around for the rest of the day!" Py said in a happy tone of voice. He shook his piggy-bank lightly. By the clanking noises it was making, it didn't sound like there was much in there, which was sad because he really wanted to buy everyone these amazing gifts. He felt and heard his phone. He quickly flipped his phone opened and read the text message he got from Elena slowly. Then he responded; "yea, im gonna by all of these awesome gifts for everyone : ) idk, hes so cool tho!" Send.

$200 for a necklace!? A necklace! Apollo literally smacked his head on the counter after looking at that price! But... Would Ume really want this? Christmas is about giving! Apollo opened his wallet and pulled out 10 20 dollar bills. He called the employee over, pointed to the necklace, cha ching, bought it. Apollo walked out of the store, wondering if he made the right decision.. Now, Patch. Patch likes nothing. So he had to look hard for something really good.

Lucifer looked down at the present Kody was trying to give him. "Is that for me?" he asked him. As he saw how cold Kody and Toona were, he decided to let them into his home. "Why don't you two come in?" he asked them as he started to walk back into his dark house. His house was not much warmer than outside, and it sure was darker. It's always dark in his house though, maybe he just likes it that way. He opened the door for them, expecting them to come in.
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Christmas! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 09, 2012 8:34 pm

Shen smiles at her, "Why don't we find Apollo or like Ume or both of them maybe." he says then looks around "I wonder if they are home or 'out and about'"

Patch looks at Py, "Also if you stupid piggy bank broke chards would fly and I might have got hurt, so I caught it for my own safety you child" Patch says still trying to think of a good excuse as he watches him text "Who are you texting?"

Kody walked into Lucifers house, which wasn't much warmer but it was a kind gesture. "Thanks and....yeah its an early present for you, if you want it." Kody says

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Christmas! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 8:59 pm

Ume walked out front of her house and gazed around at the houses around her. Most of them had either small little colorful lights on the roofs, or huge obnoxious blow up santas in the front lawn. "DO people really find it necessary to do such things?" Ume mumbled to herself as she began to walk down the street. She wondered where Zen would be at this time of morning, so she guessed that maybe she would be at a park somewhere or something.

As Elena waited for Py to text back, she took a sip of her tea and looked around her house. In the corner of her living room she had a little Christmas tree with a few lights and decorations on it. There were presents under it for everyone else, besides herself. A few seconds later Elena heard her phone vibrate and smiled. "Oh yay, that's so nice of you to do! :3 Yeah, I guess he's a pretty cool guy." Elena was lying of course, since she didn't feel like getting into a big conversation about Patch.

"Is it warm in your house Lucifer?" Toona asked, not yet in the house. But as soon as she walked in she felt a chill and shivered slightly. Yep, it was cold. "I have presents for you guys too! But I didn't bring them with is it okay if I bring them later or tomorrow?" She asked quietly as she tried to look around Lucifer's house. It was so dark in there that she could barely tell what was even in his house.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 9:47 pm

Zen shrugged a little. "That sounds fun I guess.." she said while she stood up slowly and stretched. "I don't know where to look.. I guess checking their houses would be the first and smartest place though.." she said. She knew that Apollo was a morning person, he's always up before Zen, and she always thought she woke up early. "Whose house should we check first?" she asked Shen.

"Oh.. Well good job then!" Py said filled with excitement to Patch. His phone went off again, and he giggled again. He started typing slowly, he would answer Patch's question after he sent the message; "i try being nice, but wut if i dont have enuf money to buy every1 stuff? : ( he is!" He sent the message and looked at Patch. "Elenaaaa!" he said.

Apollo looked around and saw a toy store. Patch likes toys, right? He's like 12 or something.. he must like toys! He thought, and he was obviously wrong about the age, but he walked into the toy store. It was decorated so well for the season! There were bright lights all around the store and a giant christmas tree in the middle of the store. Bordering the store was fake snow that sparkled and shined. Truly a winter wonderland. He walked around the store trying to avoid little kids diving all over the place, half the kids laughing and the other half crying. Where does Apollo even start?

"Of course I want it!" Lucifer yelled at Kody. Then he looked at Toona. "Uhh, sure it is.. I guess.." he said. He thought his house was warm, when other people would think it was cold. "And sure I guess, you didn't really have to get me anything though, I was not good this year.." he said, sighing a little. He began opening the gift he got from Kody, then suddenly, Lucifer stomped his foot on the ground, making a loud sound. Why did he do that? Well, most people have trouble seeing around Lucifer's house, Lucifer has adapted to the darkness and sees perfectly fine through it, and since he knew most people couldn't see much in his house, why keep it clean? What he just did was squish a cockroach. His house was truly a wreck. Oh, if Flayne saw this, he would die.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 9:59 pm

"umm....we should go check Apollo, though he probably left so how about Ume." Shen says "Then if we find Ume, we can go find Apollo with her. Maybe she will know if he is already gone or not cause I have no clue where he is."

Patch frowned at Py and waited for him to answer his question. He watched Py move his fingers as slow as poop. Finally the response Elena came out. Really Patch didn't know what to think about Elena. She did nothing to bother or satisfy him. "Oh..." he says

Kody smiled when Lucifer took the present hoping Lucifer would enjoy it. He herd Lucifer stomp his foot. It made him jump and make a little yelp then he turned red embarrassed. Kody looked at Toona "Don't worry I got you something, I just didn't know you would be here..."

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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2012 11:49 am

Ume continued to walk down the street, as she looked around on either side of the street to see if she could find anyone walking around outside. "God, where could everyone be? Sure, it's really early in the morning, but I can usually find someone where are they?" She growled, starting to get frustrated with her lack of people finding skills today.

"Nope nope nope, Patch is always rude to everyone!" Elena said, starting to get a bit annoyed with herself for telling Py that. She always had a problem with people who were always mean, but Elena is Elena and won't say anything about it. "I'm sure everyone would be really understanding about it! I mean, it is the thought that counts~

Hearing Lucifer's foot stomp on the ground, Toona turned bright red and flinched. "What was that...?" She asked curiously. "Of course I wanted to get you something Lucifer! Besides, I don't care about that~" Toona said, as she looked at Kody and giggled. "I didn't bring yours either...but we can all give them out later I guess!"
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2012 3:37 pm

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." Zen said as she started to make her way to Ume's house. She wondered how awkward it would be to be around Ume and Apollo without Sofie, because Ume really likes Apollo, like, a lot! Hopefully she doesn't do anything that she would regret. She walks up to Ume's house with her arms crossed, still shivering. "Go knock on the door.." she told Shen.

"Are you going to come with me to shop, Patch? I have a lot of shopping to do! I have to buy stuff for everyone! Did you buy everyone something? Cause if not, then we can go shopping together and buy cool stuff!" Py said fast, pretty hard to understand fast. He got another text and started to reply "i guess ur right.. thanx elena! wanna play wit me and patch? : ) wel, actualy were going shoping, so u can cum, just dont peak wen i by u stuff ; D" Finally sent. That probably took a while because that was a lot to type for just one Py.

Apollo sees all these dolls. He managed to walk into the girl section. He looks like one, so I guess I should get him something from here! he thought to himself as he laughed out loud. He continued walking and kept trying to think of something. Patch likes animals maybe.. who doesn't like animals!? he thought. He walked into an aisle with a bunch of stuffed animals and he started looking for the cutest one. He placed his bag with the necklace in it on the self and picked up a big stuffed animal dog. It was so cute! Patch would have to love this! He walked off the the toy, leaving the bag behind.

"Cockroach.." Lucifer said as he rubbed his foot across the ground to get all of the bug guts off of his shoe. "That's good..." he said to Toona, laughing a little. He continued to open the present and looked inside. "What is it?" he asked Kody. He looked at Toona. "Hey Toona, why do you hang out with me? I understand Kody because, y'know, both of you are nice and stuff. But why me? And that goes for you too, Kody." he said as he turned and looked at Kody too.

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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2012 3:54 pm

Shen walked over to umes door and knocked on it. He then walked away from the door it was the first time he had a reason to knock on Umes door. He looks over at Zen "So now we wait, to see if she is home..." He says hoping she would come out soon

Patch tried listening to Pys rapid annoying talking. The only thing he knew Py asked was if he wanted to shop with him Patch gave Py an annoyed look "Give me one good reason why I should shp with you." Patch says "Also I have no clue what you said after that..."

Kody watched the bug guts get rubbed across the floor and looked up trying to pretend its not there. "I-its flowers...but don't worry I got you a better present for tomorrow!" Kody says and then listens to Lucifer "Well, y-your not mean to me and were b-best friends right?" Kody says

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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2012 4:09 pm

Ume continued to walk down the street when she heard people talking farther away from her. "Who could that be...?" She mumbled under her breath as she turned around and saw Shen and Zen standing in front of her house. "Finally!" She said loudly as she started to walk back to her house quickly. "Hi you guys!" Ume called.

Seeing that Py invited Elena to go shopping, she smiled and started to get her coat on that was perched up on the side of her couch. "Sure I will! :3 I finished all of my shopping, but that would be fun to do! Oh don't worry, I won't peak when you buy me stuff." Sent~

"Oh, I didn't think that your house had bugs in it..." Toona whispered as she fidgeted her fingers and got the feeling that bugs were crawling on her. Ick. "It's better to give than recieve!~" She then heard Lucifer's question and blushed slightly. "Well, you're really nice and tough! Even though that isn't the main reason...I'm not sure, maybe just your personality?" Toona said. She then picked up her tail and stroked it softly.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2012 4:30 pm

Zen waited for Ume to answer the door, then she heard Ume from behind them. She turned around and smiled at her. "Good morning, Ume! Merry Christmas Eve!" she called out to her happily. "Do you want to come with us to find Apollo? We didn't check his house yet, thought he's probably not there.. huh.. Oh well, want to come look for him with us?" she said. That was surely a mouth full and there were probably easier ways to say that, but.. Zen was tired and just lazy today.

"Because shopping is fun! Mostly with friends! So stop being a Scrooge!" Py said to Patch. "You just need to listen better, sir!" he said. He got the text from Elena and answered "yaaaaaay : D so u can help me and patch shop! good, cuz if you peeked, i wood be saaaad : (" Sent. "Elena's gonna come shopping with us! She's so fun!" he said to Patch.

Apollo went up to the check-out counter and bought the toy. This toy, of course, was a lot less money then the one he got for Ume. This toy was only $30. Is that enough to get for Patch? he thought as he grabbed a gift card to the toy store for $50. That seems good. He bought the gift card and walked out the store. Something didn't feel quite right though, as if he was missing something.. He looked back at the toy store and thought I'm going crazy.. and just walked away. He was finally done his shopping!

Lucifer pulled the flowers out of the box and smiled. "Sweet! Thanks Kody!" he said to him, wanting to give him a hug, but he really didn't want to gay-up the place. So he just smiled at him and placed the flowers on his table. "And yes, Toona, there are bugs in my house.. Not a lot though, just enough to gross out people though.." he said, laughing a little. "What's the main reason?" he asked Toona. Then he looked at Kody. "Yeah, I guess we are best friends.." he said.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 13, 2012 6:51 pm

Shen sees Ume and turns around "Good morning, Ume! Merry Christmas eve!" He says mimicking his sister and laughs. "Yeah, we want to find Apollo now that we found you. We want to hang out with both of you on this happppppy day!" Shen yells

Patch tries to not yell at Pys annoying voice. "Maybe I just didn't want to listen to you." Patch states "Wait! Who said I was going to go shopping with you, I don't need to buy anymore gifts, I already got everyone something." Patch says. He got everyone money, requires no effort.

Kody smiled at Lucifer seeing that he liked the flowers. "Your welcome." He says sweetly. He smiled at Lucifers comment referring to them as best friends. "Yeah, w-we are best friends..." He says while he watches the ground for more bugs. He didn't want any crawling on him.

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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 23, 2012 5:54 pm

Ume smiled when they said Merry Christmas, and returned it back. "Merry Christmas you guys!~" She said cheerfully, putting her hands deep into her pockets. "Sure! Although I really have no idea where he could be...perhaps around the mall somewhere?" Ume said as she started to walk towards the street again. "Yeah, I'd love to spend the holiday with everyone!"

Elena walked over to her shoes and put on a pair of black boots and walked out the front door. "Yeah! I'm a pretty good shopper, I've had a lot of practice at it when I was younger~ Well, if that even counts as a skill...but anyway, where are you guys now? And don't worry, I won't peak 83" Sent. Sometimes she wondered why Py even punch out with a guy like Patch. They just didn't seem like the kind of people that would hang out with each other.

"I hope that there aren't any flying kind of bugs...those things scare me to death! They always get stuck in my hair...those things shouldn't even be allowed to have wings!" Toona said, going off on some kind of rant about flying bugs. She then thought for a little bit and smiled. "Probably because when you're in an awesome mood you're so sweet!"

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