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PostSubject: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 11, 2011 11:01 pm

More Christmas forums! This is crazy stuff!

Yeah, so it's Christmas Eve and people are shopping and wrapping and all of that crazy stuff...


Anyways, have fun my friends!

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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 12, 2011 12:04 am

9:00 am

Piper tosses and turned in her bed. It's that same dream again; waking up and finding a naked Lucifer wrapped up under the tree against his will. Just watching him squirm for his life was the best part of the dream. But the ending of the dream was the best part, but, let's not get into detail. Piper woke up and began to punch her bed in rage. "Why can't that really happen!?" she would scream and shout. After a few minutes, she would calm down, and face the fact that this dream, is a dream and nothing else. She quickly got up and decided to get ready for the day. She went into the bathroom and brushed her hair for a few minutes and brushed her teeth and used mouth wash, she was always so exact about her teeth just incase she kissed Lucifer that day! Piper already had her gifts, she only got them for Gage, Sen and Lucifer though. And the only gift that was actually good was for Lucifer. Piper put on a fluffy pink christmas dress and light pink stockings. She never really dressed for weather, only to attract Lucifer. She put a cute pink hat on her head that had a white puff ball coming out of the top of it. She started putting on her puffy pink Christmas boots while sitting on her bed. After she got her boots, she just sat on her bed, quietly, thinking..

Travis is a ditz. He is sleeping like there is no worry in the world, but he didn't realize that he didn't buy any gifts for anyone yet. He already had all this stuff planned out that he wanted to buy, like all this expensive diamond stuff for Sen that she probably could care less about, toys for Roy and some stuff from a dumpster for everyone else. Oh yeah! And he was gonna write love letters to Sen, like, at least 100 of them! But who knows if he's gonna have enough time to get all of this stuff! Travis was probably "too busy" in a dream having to do with miniature horses and Sen. Travis opens up his eyes, finally. But right when you thought that Travis's couldn't get any stupider, all he did was scratch his butt, close his eyes, then fall back asleep with no worry in the world. When Travis wakes up, he's gonna be frantic.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 14, 2011 12:30 am

Gage gets up yet he is still tired he doesn't feel like going back to sleep. He puts on a black jacket and hat. Assuming Piper is still asleep he goes and sits outside of her room bored to death, the only thing he can think about doing is listening to her talk about her dream about Lucifer, well thats what he does every morning. She might be awake but whats the point of bothering her to hurry up.

Roy runs to Travis's bed and starts jumping on it. I mean how else could you wake up Travis, probably a lot of ways but Roy wants to jump on his bed. "Travis Travis Travis Travis! are we supposed is it that time of year when we like buy stuff for people?" Roy says just figuring out its christmas time.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 14, 2011 1:18 pm

"Mmm..." Sen mumbled quietly under her breath as she rose from her bed slowly and slid off the side of it and onto the floor. Sen wasn't the best person in the morning...well, she isn't the best person at any time. At the time, she was wearing a baggy black t-shirt and blue short shorts, with her hair sticking up in all different directions. Even though it was winter time she was never really cold, so she just never wore proper pajama pants to bed...or a shirt...or a bra. And she didn't even wear socks, even though her small house consisted of all hard-wood flooring. "Today is Christmas eve, right?" Sen asked herself as she sprawled herself out on the floor, and looked up at the ceiling. Naturally, most people would think that Sen wouldn't get anyone anything for Christmas. She had actually gotten everyone a little something. But since the gifts were so small she just figured no one would like them, and they would think it was worthless and throw it in a corner to let it rot. Sen just shrugged and hoped for the best, figuring that if no one else liked the gifts she knew Travis would love it no matter what. "...I worried about his gift for so long...yet it would have been really simple..." Sen mumbled, stroking her hair and trying to straighten it up a bit. Now that she thought about it, Travis would be happy with anything that had her DNA on it. She could have given him a piece of her hair, a picture of herself, or even her panties and he would have been happy!
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 16, 2011 8:09 pm

Finally done with her thinking time, Piper just sighed and stood up. She looked around her room. "How am I gonna get Lucifer's gift to him..?" she asked herself. Oh, whatever. She will probably just wait for the last second and come up with some ridiculous way to get it to him, then when it doesn't work, then she'll cry about it. How simple. She started towards her room door, and walked out of it. Then she walked out of the front door. She looked around outside. She wanted to find someone to talk to.

Travis's eyes opened up wide as he felt Roy jump around on the bed. He groaned as he slowly leaned up and rubbed his head. His bed head was pretty hilarious, all of his hair stands straight up like some type of awkward mow-hawk. He wiped the drool from his face and heard Roy say something about presents. His face turned pale. "Is it Christmas already!?" he asked Roy. He swore yesterday was only December 2nd!
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 18, 2011 9:35 pm

Gage getting annoyed and bored knocks on Pipers door "Hurry up a little....Im bored..." Gage says still obviously tired. He wanted to get her moving so he didn't end up falling asleep in front of her room, he felt that would just be creepy.

Roy smiled at Travis happy he had someone to talk to "I didn't even know it was december!" Roy said back and continued to jump on his bed "So what do you want to do today, I want to do a lot of things but I don't know what things we should do, we should just do like a lot and more and more!" Roy says to travis not making much sense
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 20, 2011 5:36 pm

"Ugh, whatever..." Sen mumbled as she stood up slowly and started walking towards her bathroom. "Now I gotta tame this thing this early in the morning!" She groaned, walking into the bathroom and slamming the door behind her acting as if it would wake the world up from their slumber. "Oh well, no one probably got me anything so why should I be caring so much?" She said quietly, sticking the brush in her hair and tugging on it violently to remove all of the knots out.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2011 6:33 pm

Piper heard Gage in the distance. Pft, he's so hilarious. She just didn't say a word, hoping that he would think she was dead or something. Just to hear him scream would make her life. She just decided to wait outside of their house and see if Gage would notice her, standing there, her arms crossed, tapping her foot at a slow beat. She just smirked a little.

Travis looked at Roy seriously. "You know what we should do today..?" he asked. Not even giving Roy a second to answer, he said "We should go buy presents for everyone that we know! They are probably all giving us gifts, so why should we look like jerks to them!?" he yelled. Travis was going into complete panic mode. He quickly stood up and started digging through his drawers for an outfit. He threw clothes everywhere and probably a few articles of clothes hit Roy.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 01, 2012 3:52 pm

Gage bored of waiting goes into Pipers room and notices she isn't there. He walks outside and looks at Piper tired. "Where are you going?" Gage asks

Roy smiles at Travis "Well lets make a list of everyone we know! Sen, Piper....Gage...Apollo...Phin-something.....there is a guy with robot arms....a blind with a bandana......and some other people." Roy says obviously using his great memory.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 5:19 pm

"Ugh, this hurts so bad!" Sen howled as she brushed her hair and ripped the knots out her hair violently. Which also caused chunks of the knots to fall out and fall on the ground. Oh well. "Well since I don't have to shop today, what else should I do today?" She said annoyingly, placing the brush down on her sink and starting to brush her teeth slowly. "Pft..."
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 7:48 pm

Piper turned and looked at Gage. "Don't you want to say 'good morning' to me first?" she asked in a pretty annoyed tone. She just sighed a little to assuage and said "I don't really know, actually. Do you have anywhere you want to go? Did you do all of your shopping? Because if you didn't buy me anything, I think I would have to kill you!" she yelled at him, and she was telling the truth. She loved getting presents more than giving. But if she doesn't like it, then she will probably tell you that she hates instead of just pretending that she likes it and what not.

"Phineas." Travis said. "His name is Phineas." He only knew his name because of that really old show that he loves to watch from like a million years ago called Phineas and Ferb. Travis loves all of those old shows, because there aren't many new ones because everyone is involved in the war and not into entertainment. "The guy with robot arms is Gaaaavjfshio... I don't know. The blind one is Ryan and the one with the bandana is Flower or something like that." Travis said, trying really hard to remember the people's names in Vestigial. The problem was, he couldn't even say Gavriil's name to begin with, the name Riley wasn't in any shows he watched and Basil... he just couldn't remember.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 03, 2012 10:19 pm

"Yes, Im done shopping and yes I got you something. Did you get me something?" Gage says expecting her to say no since he was assuming that she spent all of her money on Lucifer. And any she didn't end up spending she was saving. But he still hoped she would go out and get something cheap for him.

Roy smiles at Travis, "Yes, his name is Phineas! That is correct!" Roy says. "You know we should buy candy canes, wait do you have any money? Cause I don't think I have any, do we really need money to buy stuff I mean aren't we like ummm a threat and would let us take whatever we want?" Roy says
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 04, 2012 6:05 pm

"I really wish I didn't have long hair, that would make life so much easier..." Sen mumbled to herself, continuing to brush her teeth, as she was still clearly annoyed at her hair. A few moments later she then spit the toothpaste out and cleaned herself up a bit and walked into her living room. For Christmas time, her house was extremely...not in the spirit. Sen never bothered to decorate since she lived alone anyone, and she knew no one would like it anyway.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 06, 2012 9:20 pm

"In fact, I did get you something, but you will be getting it tomorrow like everyone else! Even if you are my brother, it doesn't mean you will get any special treatment from me!" Piper strictly explained to Gage. The thing was, that even though she spent a lot of money on Lucifer for Christmas, she never got any presents she bought him actually to him! They are all piling up in her closet like trash piles. She can harder even remember what's in half of them.

"I have money, but I'm using it to buy presents for our friends! And I don't have a lot, so I'm going to have to go to some thrift store with some awesome, cheap stuff... You could come, but then I would have to buy you something, and you will have to promise not to look when I am buying it, okay?" Travis told Roy. He was pretty serious about the holidays, even though he always forgot when they even were half of the time. He really wanted to buy Sen something that was pretty.. like a dress! Something a little more showy than she usually wear, but that's not even hard to beat.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 8:43 pm

"Oh, well since you are my sister I went out and got you a nice gift." He said kinda surprised that she said she got him a gift at all since her obsession with Lucifer progressively gets higher and higher. "So what do you plan on doing today?" he asks

Roy smiled hearing he was getting a present "I can't wait to see what I get!" roy says enthusiastically then looks around "I don't know where to go to buy gifts, Ill find money on the way." he says while picking up a dime.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 8:48 pm

Sen sighed to herself as she sat down on her couch and stared at a wall in front of her. She started to wonder what the others were doing, and something told her that just sitting around wouldn't do very much. "Maybe I should go and find someone...I mean, it's the holidays. I shouldn't be alone..." Sen said quietly, standing up and putting on a long black coat and a pair of gray boots- her usual winter outfit.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 9:57 pm

"How nice?" Piper asked. She wanted a really good gift this year, one to top the one from the year before, but she thinks that every year, so that just makes it harder and harder on everyone else's part. She was trying to remember what she got for Gage, but she couldn't remember. Oh well, she'll find out tomorrow. "Did you get anything for Travis and Roy?" she asked.

Travis smiled. He liked seeing Roy so happy, even though he was usually that happy. He wondered why Roy didn't have a lot of money, but it wasn't that important at the time, because Travis had something else on his mind. "We should bring Sen with us!" he screamed. He loved her sooo much! Alas, she would never love him back.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 10:05 pm

"Nice enough." He says, it was a nice gift, it was a heart necklace representing he power and it was not cheap. "No, I got nothing for them, I wasn't expecting them to get something for me, why did you get them something?" He asks

Roy looked at his dime then looked at Travis "Do you want it, Im not gonna find enough money to buy everyone a gift so, Ill make make them stuff or find them stuff..." Roy says and smiles. "Yeah, Sen can come along!"
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2012 11:16 am

"Now to go and find someone so I don't look like an ass walking around by myself..." Sen mumbled to herself as she started to walk out of her house and walk down the street. She wasn't looking for anyone specific, so she started to wander around a bit. "Well Travis and Roy usually find a way to bother me, so hopefully they'll find me at a point or something..."
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2012 3:49 pm

"It better be good... or else.." Piper said, not really having any punishment for him if it wasn't good. "Yeah, I didn't get them anything either. I could imagine them getting us something crappy and me beating them up at the end of the day.." she said. She was probably going to plan on beating them up even if the present was good, she loves beating up them, because they are total losers.

"You can find more money! You just gotta belieeeeve!" Travis said getting excited. He couldn't wait for Sen to come with them. She's like the Peach to his Mario, the Zelda to his Link, the Terezi to his Dave, the... Girl of his dreams! He took out his cell phone and texted Sen; Hey Sen! You want to come and chill with me and Roy? We're going to go shopping! ; )" Sent, and yes, the winky face was necessary.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2012 4:09 pm

"It is good don't worry..." He smiles a little bit at Pipers comments about Travis and Roy. "Travis and Roy were mistakes, they are weaker than humans. I bet that little blond kid could beat them up and he can't even pick up his weapon. Travis and Roy don't know how to use there powers yet, its sad..." Gage says

Roy smiles at Travis "Okay! I gots 10 cents(surprisingly Roy knows whats a dime is worth) so what can I buy with a dime. Nothing.... There has to be more money!" Roys says as he examines the ground trying to find more money "la la la la!" Roy 'sings(yells)' as he searches for money.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2012 4:30 pm

Just as Sen finished what she was saying to herself, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and she flinched slightly. "Now I wonder who that could be." She said sarcastically, pulling the phone out of her pocket and seeing the message from Travis. "Sure, I really aren't doing anything else. Well, I finished all of my shopping already so I'll go anyway." Texting Sen was really scary.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 24, 2012 10:53 pm

Piper sort of rolled her eyes at Gage in disbelief that he got her something really awesome. "They would be really good at fighting if they weren't such idiots and tried training for once! And knew how to use their powers.. Their powers could be really helpful in battle, y'know?" she explained. She wished that she had a power like Travis and Roy's. All she has is emotions! The only good use is that she can make Lucifer love her.. that would be nice..

"You can buy something at the dollar store! Like maybe fake money! You can give all of our friends hundreds of dollars in fake money, then when they try to buy something with it, they'll get in trouble for using fake money!" Travis said, making himself laugh of course. He felt his phone go off and smiled. He looked at the text, then he heard Roy. "Shut up!" he yelled at him. Then he responded to the text; "Great! Cum to me and Roy's house, unless you want us to cum to you! Idc either way! Which ever you like! : )" Sent. He just wanted the best for his lover.
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 16, 2012 5:09 pm

"Well they just simply suck, who in the world could train them without wanting to kill themselves. They are useless the only thing there good for is giving the enemy a good laugh." Gage say to Piper looking kinda annoyed. "Why were Travis and Roy given such useful powers. Manipulation and illusion...imagine what they could do if they were good at the powers"

Roy listens to Travis's idea and thinks it kinda funny. "Or maybe I can find rocks and name them and draw on them and give everybody pet rocks, everyone likes pet rocks." Roy says, proud of his own idea. Hearing Travis to tell him to shut up made him just start getting louder "LA LA LA~"
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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 9:09 pm

Sen groaned softly after sending the text message and walked out of the door, as she started to walk down the street. She then felt her phone vibrate, and she pulled her phone out and responded to the message. "Alright, I'll be over in a few minutes...I'm not very fond of walking when I don't really have to do it. kinda spelled 'come' wrong. Unless you meant the other spelling of it. Either way I'm 'cuming' over anyway. Sent. Oh poor Sen, something told her in the back of her head that that was a mistake sending that message.
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