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Christmas! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 30, 2012 11:12 pm

"Okay, so let's go to Apollo's house!" Zen called out as she started towards Apollo's house. She looked around at everything around her. All of the glistening snow was truly glorious. Zen would love snow even more if it was less.. cold. She started humming christmas tunes to herself, like "Winter Wonderland". She hummed it, because she didn't know the actual words. She would pretty much go "walking in a winter wonderland, in the hum hum hum..." Oh Zen, such a musical genius she is.

"Awww Patch!" Py started. "You can just come to have the company of me and Elena. You are best friends with us! We can buy best friends forever necklaces! I want the word "forever!"" Py laughed a little then check his phone and texted back "teehee your so cool elena : ) oh, were right outside of the shoping center : D good : )" Sent.

Apollo walked with the one bag, he still had this feeling that there was something missing, something extremely important. This made him extremely worried. He started walking towards his house, trying to think of anything that he might of lost or left somewhere or forgot to do. He was thinking, and he was thinking really hard, he hated disappointing people. Mostly his friends. He kept walking and thinking. He groaned. "What am I forgetting?" he asked himself. Apollo isn't as smart as he seems.

Lucifer stared at the flowers for about a minute then looked back at Kody. "... Yeah, we are best friends..." he responded to him awkwardly. Kody acted so quiet around Lucifer, it sometimes did get awkward fast. So he looked at the complaining girl to the other side of him. "There are a few flying ones. If one gets in your hair, I'll smack it for you." he said, smiling sweetly. "I-I am never sweet!" he said while his sweet smile faded away quickly. He liked to think of himself as manly, not sweet. He thinks the word sweet is.. well.. girly.

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Christmas! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 07, 2012 6:13 pm

Shen continued to walk towards Apollos house until his house was in his sight. From there he ran towards Apollos house and banged on his door. He stood there until he realized no one was going to open the door. He looked over at Zen and Ume "I don't think he is um home." Shen says and laughs a little.

Patch gagged a little at the thought of best friend necklaces with Py, he just felt it was the grossest thing ever. "Please no best friends, I hate those things. Why would you need or want my company anyways." he says with a little attitude

Kody smiled at Lucifer and wanted to keep the conversation going but he couldn't think of anything to say. He just swayed back and forth a little. " is felicity..." Kody says, it was the only thing he could think of asking Lucifer right now.
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Christmas! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 9:28 pm

"Alright!" Ume said, as she continued to walk besides Shen and Zen. She looked around at all of the sights, and in the distance she could smell a faint campfire. She then looked up and watched Shen run up to the door, and wondered if he really was home. "Oh darn...he isn't home? Well he's probably doing some last minute shopping or something?"

Elena started to get close to the shopping center, since she was pretty good at marking landmarks around certain things. She then flipped her phone open and began to respond. Aaawe thank you Py!~ Alright! I'm kinda close...I can see the top of the shopping center! I think so..." Sent. Elena checked inside of her pocked and felt a bunch of dollar bills. The perks of working at a tea shop.

Hearing Lucifer's...sweet comfort, Toona flinched slightly and stroked her hair softly. "W-well maybe you can just take it out genitally instead of whacking it out? I love my hair a lot..." She whispered, as her tail wrapped around herself, not wanting to touch the tainted ground. She then heard Lucifer not liking her complement, and she stopped her foot softly. "Hmph! What would you like to be called then? Godly? Awesome? Manly? Strong? Something like that?" She said, suddenly stopping her foot tapping, since she didn't want to step on a bug that was passing by innocently. She then looked over at Kody and smiled. "Oh yeah Lucifer! How is Felicity? I haven't seen her in a few weeks...did you buy her a gift?~"
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Christmas! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 25, 2012 11:23 pm

Zen walked up to Apollo's house, she had the feeling that he wasn't going to be home. She looked at Ume and nodded a little. "I bet he is doing last minute shopping. He's smart, but sometimes really forgetful." she told her. Zen could remember the time when Apollo could hardly even remember her and Shen's names, or he would call Zen Shen and Shen Zen. She looked around in Apollo's house's windows. All of the lights were out. "Well, I guess we should check the shopping center next. And if he's not there, than I don't have any idea where he is.." Zen said to Shen and Ume. Zen then placed her hands in her pockets and started to walk off and towards the shopping center.

"Best friends!" Py yelled. "Well, because we are best friends, and I love being around you! Whenever I'm sad, you make me happy. Even if I'm just thinking about you. It just perks me up!" he told Patch. He took out his phone and sent a message that said "hurry up elena! im getting way to excited! : DDDDDDD" He put his phone back into his pocket, and looked around to see if he could see Elena from where he was. "Do you see Elena from here, Patch?" Py asked him as he kept scanning the area for any big boobed, gray hair ladies.

As Apollo started getting closer to his house, he could see Zen, Shen and Ume near it. He smiled and waved to them. "Hey guys!" he called out to them. He tried to hide how he was worrying as he started to walk quickly towards his friends. Then he looked at Ume, then he remembered. He forgot the necklace. His eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat. He felt like he was going to puke right then and there. "O-oh God.." he said as he started to slow down and stood there quietly.

Lucifer smiled a little. "Well.. if you want.. fine.." he said to Toona. Then he heard Toona start to flip out.. again. He smiled. "Actually, I would loved to be called any of that stuff, and maybe even the Sexiest Man On Earth or Sex God. Whatever you like I suppose..." he said, while having an evil smirk on his face. Then he heard the name Felicity and his face brightened up. "Felicity!? Oh she's as beautiful as ever! She is upstairs right now if you want to go visit her! Oh wait, but right now she should be taking a nap! We can't disturb her! And of course I got her a present! It is so amazing! Well, they are all amazing.. I got her many presents!" he said in the happiest tone of voice, that it was almost scary.

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Christmas! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 10, 2012 12:53 am

Shen frowned that Apollo wasn't home and then herd Apollo from the other direction. "APOLLO!" he yelled as if he hasn't seen him in years. He ran towards Apollo almost tripping a few times but he caught himself. He did a flip before reaching Apollo and smiled. "Merry Christmas! Whats up?"

Patch had a disgusted look on his face. "Thats funny cause I feel pretty much the exact opposite about you..." he says knowing that Py is going to think its a joke though its not. Patch herd Py ask him if he could see Elena. Patch did not move his head at all and just said "no"

Kody smiled at Lucifers happiness towards felicity unfortunately he is never that enthusiastic about people but at least its something that makes him happy. "Well...Im happy to know that felicity is okay maybe we can see h-her when she gets up t-tonight." He says sweetly

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Christmas! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 21, 2012 4:39 pm

Ume sighed a little and put her hands into her pockets. She honestly had no idea where Apollo was either, and she figured it would take them forever to find him. Ume then heard Apollo's voice in the distance, and her head shot up. "Apollo!" She said loudly, smiling. She started to walk towards him, until she saw the look that was on his face. "What's wrong...?" She asked, as she cocked her head to one side. Did she do something that he didn't like?

"Alright, I guess I'm around here somewhere. I don't really know my way around this stupid shopping center! Especially when everything is all white..." Elena mumbled to herself, as she continued to walk around. She pulled out her phone and smiled at Py's message. But since she was getting close to her destination, she figured that she didn't really have to say anything back. After walking for a few more moments, she finally reached the front of the shopping center. And of course, she could see Py walking around and searching for her nearby.

'Alrighty then sex god, I guess that's what I'll have to call you from now?" Toona asked, as she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. She then heard how happy Lucifer got when she had brought up Felicity, and her eyes widened. She had forgotten how much Lucifer really did love that guinea pig. "So I guess we can't see her until later then?" She asked.
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Christmas! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 9:04 pm

Zen's face brightened up when she saw Apollo walk over to them. "Hey Apollo! I was so worried! We didn't have any idea where you were!" she explained as she sighed in relief. Then he saw the look of terror appearing on Apollo's face, she wondered what was up with that. She just stared at him for a few seconds. She wanted to ask him, but she heard Ume ask him first. She looked at Ume, then stared back at Apollo. Seeing him like this made her even more worried than before!

Py laughed. "Oh, you're so funny Patch!" he said as he giggled for at least another minute. He kept looking around then looked back at Patch. "Oh Patch! You didn't even look!" he said as he pushed Patch's head around so it at least seemed like Patch was looking around. "Now, do it on your own!" he said as he let go of Patch's head. He looked at saw Elena, the first thing he noticed were her boobs, then the rest of her. He smiled and started to jump around like an idiot, waving his arms around. "Elena!" he screamed loudly, trying to get her attention.

"M-merry Christmas.. M-merry Christmas.." Apollo said to each of his friends. He started to feel sick. He knew that he screwed up this time. He looked at Shen, then at Zen, then at Ume. He felt like he was going to puke when he saw her. "I-I.." he began. He felt like he had to tell her what happened, but he didn't want her to get upset! "Maybe she won't get upset!" he thought as he took a deep breath. "I-I sorta.." he began, but couldn't quite get himself to finish. He felt mute, as if he couldn't say a word.

Lucifer saw Toona roll her eyes and he glared at her. "Well, since you're being a total jerk about it, you can just call me Niveus.." he teared up. "N-no, just Lucifer.. call me Lucifer.." he said as he took a deep breath and quickly calmed down. He looked at both of his friends and cleared his throat. "Yes, we may take a visit to Felicity later today! But remember not to touch her nails, I just painted them for her and I don't want any nail polish to chip off.." he said as he became happier and happier while talking about her. Why don't you just marry her, Lucifer?
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Christmas! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue May 01, 2012 10:31 pm

Shen smiled at apollo then looked at him with a confused look. "You okay?" he asked the nervous apollo. He thought Apollo was gonna pass out he looked so nervous. "Do you like want to go inside or go over to that bench and sit down you kind of look sickish? shen suggested and then shrugged. He looked at Zen and Ume "what do you guys think?" he asked

Patch clenched his teeth as Py grabbed his head, once Py let go of his head he turned his head right back to where it was and glared at Py. "Don't touch me Py, I don't need your germs all over my hair..." he said sternly towards Py but he doubt Py herd him, there was a good chance he was distracted by Elena. He watched her walk over and saw Py's excitement and just ignored it.

Kody smiled when he saw Lucifer getting excited about Felicity, he was happy that there was something besides flowers that made him happy. "That w-will be fun." Kody says and smiles at Lucifer. "What c-color did you paint her n-nails....I bet it any color w-would look good on her." he says to Lucifer.

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Christmas! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed May 09, 2012 5:55 pm

Ume gazed at Apollo and cocked her head slightly, wondering what was wrong with him. He usually never acted like this, and she was a little worried. "Yes Apollo? Did something happen while you were out and about? You can tell us if something is wrong, you know..." Ume said, scratching the back of her neck slightly and frowning. She then looked over at Shen and nodded. "That would be a good idea. Oh Apollo, you look sick to your stomach!" Ume said.

"Hi you guys!" Elena said happily, as she casually strolled over to Patch and Py. She noticed Patch not saying a word as she walked over, but she just shrugged it off as normal behavior because he always did that to everyone. She wondered if he actually liked her. "Merry Christmas!" Elena said, and she stood in front of Py and blushed slightly. "How are you guys?"

Toona sighed and genitally placed her hand on her head, not understanding yet why Lucifer always got upset by talking about that. Oh Toona. "Oh yeah, that sounds nice. I haven't seen her in a long time." Toona then looked over at Kody and smiled. "Did you paint them red again like last time?" Toona liked to talk about Felicity, because it always put Lucifer into one of his rare good moods.
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Christmas! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat May 26, 2012 8:40 pm

Zen watched as Ume and Shen tried to come up with what was wrong with him. She grabbed onto his hand and walked him over to the bench. "Shen's right, you should sit down.. We don't want you falling over and getting hurt now.." she said as he sat Apollo down on the bench. When she held his hand, she could feel how tense he was. He held onto to her hand so tightly, and his palms were covered in sweat. She sat down next to him, pretty close to him, and leaned close to him. "Tell us what happened.." she said calmly, not wanting to freak him out even more than he already was.

"Oh Patch, I washed my hands this morning! Because I went potty, and it is illegal to not wash you hands after using the restroom!" Py explained, thinking that what he said was actually true. "Merry Christmas! And Happy Hanukah! If you're jewish.. I-I dunno.. sorry.. My parents think I only hang out with jewish people and they'll only let me marry a jewish girl.." he said as his eyes started wondering around. He suddenly looked at Patch. "Doesn't Elena look pretty?" he asked, smiling at Patch.

Apollo heard everyone talking to him, and felt under pressure. When he felt Zen grab his hand, he couldn't help but blush. He squeezed her hand tightly, using her to feel more safe. When he sat down, he felt sick. He hunched over and groaned. He could feel his face lose color and sweat drip from the end of his nose. He swallowed hard and held onto his head tightly. He wanted to scream, he was trying not to scream, but he did. He screamed loudly. He was mad.

"Well, I painted them a nice pale pink. It looks amazing. I was sort of torn between that and doing a hot pink... She looks amazing with anything though!" Lucifer said, getting overwhelmed by how amazing he thought Felicity was. He looked at Toona. "I was thinking about doing red, but I wanted to do something different, you know. Something more girly to show her personality!" he explained, loving that everyone seemed interested in Felicity.

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PostSubject: Re: Christmas!   Christmas! - Page 2 I_icon_minitime

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