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 Outside, a peaceful time

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PostSubject: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 25, 2011 10:45 pm

Most of Pangea may have been damaged but over here is peaceful for the time being.
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 25, 2011 11:43 pm

Py happily, yet obliviously walks around the peaceful areas of Pangea. "I wonder where Patch is..." he whispers to himself. He looks around for his long haired friend. "Maybe someone else is around to play with!" he chants in excitement.

Zen calmly walks around, sees Py, walks a little faster. 'I hope I can find someone to talk to...' she thinks to herself, sighing.

Lucifer sleeps quietly in house, wakes up slowly, groans. Mumbles to self random words, sits up slowly, takes deep breath. "I hate mornings..." he mumbles to himself. He stands up, stretches and walks towards closet.

Apollo walks into peaceful part of Pangea, coming from Patch's Castle, looks around. "It's much more peaceful here then in any other place here..." he sighs to himself. "Well, at least I get to relax a little now...".
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 26, 2011 4:11 pm

Shen sitting on a tree, looks up at the bright blue sky, he could already tell it was going to be a good day. He jumped off the tree and walked around looking for his sister or maybe Apollo.

Patch walked outside. It only him about a second to notice Py. He ran right over to Apollo hoping Py wouldn't notice. But Path knew he would, he always does. "Apollo!" Patch yelled at him. "Make sure that grotesque creature that goes by the name of Py does not touch me!"

Kody got up and went over to Lucifers house. He knew Lucifer would be expecting him to be out waiting for him. He sat outside Lucifers place not wanting to disturb him. Lucifer could possibly still be sleeping.

Sofie saw Apollo and Patch. She ran over to Apollo giving him a big hug. "Apollo! I found you!" She said while giggling.
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 26, 2011 10:26 pm

Ume started to wake up from her *overly long nap*, since she didn't really feel like sleepng all night. "Joy oh joy..." She mumbled to herself, as she tried to get up from her slumber, but instead of getting up she just fell right out of bed and landed on her face. "Good omen, huh..."

Elena was walking around outside as usual, as she was taking in the beauty of nature (well, she thought it was beautiful...). "Ah, what a wonderful day!~ I wonder where the others are..." She said as she let out a little sigh, and the ears on her hood blew around in the breeze.

"It's so niiice out!!!" Toona cried out as she hung by a tree. She usually stayed up in the trees or in the bushes. Something just made Toona like them so much. Perhaps it was their green leafy texture? "Hmmm...maybe I can go and see what Kody is doing?" She said as she jumped down from the tree and started to walk, while grooming her tail at the same time.

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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 26, 2011 10:41 pm

Zen sees Apollo, Sofie and Patch in the distance. She runs over to them. "Hey guys!" she says. "How have all of you been?". She places her hand on Patch's shoulder. She looks around for a little bit, wondering where her brother was.

Apollo watches Patch run over, he sighs. "Come on... he can't be that bad. And he really likes you Patch..." he explains. He sees Sofie coming, he extends his arms, giving Sofie a hug back. "Yay! I'm glad! I missed you!" he says in a sweet tone of voice. He sees Zen coming. "Oh, hey Zen! ... Well I'm pretty good today, I finely get some relaxing time instead of training or doing something pointless..." he laughs.

Lucifer quickly gets changed into his usual dark, tight outfit. He looks around quickly, than pulls an old, scurfy teddy bear out of the closet, he shoves it into his vest, making sure it is unseen. He picks up a comb, carefully combing his hair, then throws the comb across the room. And knowing him, he won't be able to find it when he gets home. He walks into his living room, and pulls an umbrella out of a basket. He opens the umbrella. It is a light pink and is carefully laced, it looked like an umbrella some rich, oversized lady would carry around. He proceeds out of his house, and sees Kody. Lucifer smiles. "Hello, Kody. Waiting outside my house as usual." he smirks. "Such a little stalker you are...".

Py's smile starts to fade to a frown. He continues, hopelessly looking around. He started looking frantic. "Where is he!? Is he okay!? Don't tell me he got hurt!? Oh no! It's my fault! I should have watched over him better... he is my best friend!" Py rants to himself, cringing his face.
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 26, 2011 10:57 pm

Patch looks at Apollo and smirks. "I could careless about what you think of him, all that matters is that he gives me a heart attack and Im telling you keep him away because Im socially above you.....which makes me better than you!" He smiles at Apollo. "I would hate to see you get in trouble for not following my directions."

Shen wanders around aimlessly. He stops for a moment thinking 'I live with my sister how could I manage to lose her' He sees Py out of the corner of his eye and decides he will go talk to him. Py may not be Shens ideal person to talk to but better than no one, sorta.

"I miss you every second I don't see you Apollo." She gives him a cute grin. "How have you been, you seem a lot more relaxed than normal today." Sofie get on her tip toes and kisses Apollo on the cheek.

Kody looks over at Lucifer giving him a nervous smile. "um..yeah, Im just a little stalker." Kody stands up near Lucifer, shaking a little. "So...W-we should find the others." Kody turns his head trying not to look right at Lucifer.
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2011 4:33 pm

After laying on the floor for a while, Ume decided that it would...probably be a good idea to get off the floor. "I should get dressed and find the others..." She said to herself as she crawled over to her dresser and put her usual black dress on. After getting ready and brushing her hair (and such), she ran downstairs and threw her black boots on. "Oh black boots, how you never fail me!"\

Elena kept walking around for a bit, but after a few minutes of walking, she thought she heard Py freaking out about something in the distance. "...Is that Py?" She thought as she started walking towards the sound.

"Skip skip skip, the best way to walk!~" Toona chimed out as she started skipping along the grass, looking out for Kody. "Wonder where he iiis..."
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2011 4:55 pm

Apollo cocks his eyebrow at Patch, then sighs. "Okay..." He says "I'll keep him away... but I'm not going to hurt him... if he gets too close..." he smiles. He looks back at Sofie. "I've been really good! It's great not having to do all these little tasks" he chuckles to himself. He blushes as Sofie kisses him.

Zen turns away from Apollo and Sofie, she thought it would be awkward staring at them. She turns to Patch. "How have you been, Patch?" she asks him.

Py plops down on his butt, and hangs his head down low. "Where is everyone? Are they all dead?..." he whispers to himself. He falls back onto his back, and lays down, looking up to the sky. He watches the clouds float by and imagines what they look like.

Lucifer laughs obnoxiously. Then his laugh stops suddenly. He looks at Kody with a straight face. "Really? Am I not good enough for you?" he says like a sassy teenage girl. "Wow, and I thought we were best friends..." He crosses his arms, and turns away from Kody.
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2011 5:14 pm

"Yeah, it has been really easy around here lately, I wonder when you will be sent out for a new mission." Sofie gets closer to Apollo "Im coming with you next time." She smiles.

"Ill be fine as long as Py doesn't touch me, or get close to me...or talk to me...or look at me!" Patch stomps his foot a yells "I want to kill him!" He looks away from Zen and at Apollo. "Kill him!"

Shen walks up to Py. "umm....are you okay." He says and shrugs noticing how upset Py was.

Kody Blushes in embarrassment and looks down. "No, thats not what I mean. Your the best and we don't need to find anyone else to t-talk to." Kody says really fast. He looks back up at Lucifer giving him another fake smile. "W-we can do whatever you want."
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2011 5:22 pm

Ume started to walk around outside, and looked around for the others. "Where are they...?" She whispered, as she looked around more.

After a little bit, Elena finally saw Py on the ground...doing who knows what. "Hi Py!~ ...What are you doing on the ground?" She said as she cocked her head a little bit.

"My feeeet hurt..." Tonna whined as she kept walking. "Well if I know Kody any better...he might be with Lucifer...and he isn't much of a morning maybe they're at Lucifer's house?!" Oh Toona's wonderful thought process.
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2011 5:40 pm

Py sees Shen, he jumps up. "You're alive!?" he yells, he smiles. "Come on! We have to find the others! ... Maybe they are still alive too..." He turns and sees Elena. "Woah... You're alive too!" he says in amazement. "Okay, we are going to have to be a team now and fight on our own, I think we are the only ones left!".

Zen nods with a weird look on her face. "Uh huh... you really hate him THAT much? He can't be that bad... he's just... immature..." she explains.

Apollo smiles "hopefully not anytime soon! They send me to do the weirdest things... I don't even see a point in doing most of them!" he says. "If you come next time, I will be so happy!".

Lucifer thinks for a little bit. "We are really good friends... aren't we?" he whispers to himself, turning around, looking back at Kody. "Well..." he tries thinking of something to do other then go find the others to talk to, he didn't want to sound stupid saying that.
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2011 5:51 pm

Sofie smiles and grabs Apollo's hand. "Where is everyone, like Kody, Ume and Lucifer oh and Elena and Toona and umm Py?"

"Py Im pretty sure everyone else is still alive" He says and smiles at the complete idiot. "You don't have to worry just relax Py..."

"But you don't have Py clinging to you like some sorta stalker magnet thing, now do you!?!?" Patch sits on the ground. "Apollo, I want food!!! Don't be a slacker and get me something to eat! You don't deserve to relax so get me my food!" Patch crosses his arms.

Kody looks at Lucifer for a little bit then cocked his head. "um.....Lucifer we can do whatever you want to d-do, I don't have to like it or anything cause were f-friends." Kody said to Lucifer with a concerned look on his face
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2011 6:07 pm

"Well, thats where everyone is..." Ume said to herself as she saw everyone gathered around. "Hey..." Ume said quietly once she walked up to the group, then proceeded to yawn loudly.

"Py...what are you talking about?" Elena said. "Everyone is still alive..." SHe said while laughing a bit. "If everyone was dead I think we'd realize that~"

Toona started to walk to Lucifer's house after her little debate to herself. Soon, she saw Kody and Lucifer out front. "Kodyyy!~" She cooed, as she walked over to the two.
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2011 9:23 pm

Zen stares at Patch for a little bit, then let's out a big sigh. She turns to Ume, and smiles a little. "Hello, Ume. You tired?" she asks.

Apollo sees Ume walk over. "Well, there's Ume... I'm not really sure where everyone else is though..." he tells Sofie. He looks at Patch, and frowns. "What do you want to eat?" he asks.

Py laughs a little at Shen. "Well, can you explain why none of them are here and talking to us?" he asks him. Then he turns quickly to Elena. "But where can everyone possibly be!?" he asks. "I'm pretty sure they all... exploded...".

Lucifer rubs his chin "maaaybe..." he says to himself, trying to think of something to do. "You know, you are putting way too much pressure on me, Kody." he says.
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2011 10:13 pm

"Are you serious Py...cause if you aren't then your really good at acting." Shen looks at Elena "Where is everyone else...I haven't put a lot of effort into finding them so..." Shen thought for a second looking at Py and Elena. He thinks how they aren't the most 'Popular' among the group then thought about himself, and how he isn't to 'popular' either. "What if there avoiding us?" Shen asked.

"Actually Im not hungry.......Im thirsty and I want water, ice water. You were expecting me to say room temperature weren't you." Patch smiled proud of himself. "Now hurray along shoo" Patch didn't acknowledge Ume, since he could careless if she died.

"Haha yeah" She looks at Ume. "We were just wondering where you were! By the way I love your hair color. I wish my hair could be a unique color like that but mine is just blonde and dying it would be to much work." Sofie smiles.

Kody looks over at Toona and waves. "I think Lucifer needs help trying to think of something to do." Kody looks over at Lucifer. "I-Im not trying to umm pressure you, I j-just want to make you happy Lucifer...If you don't w-want to pick what t-to do I bet Toona or me could t-think of something..."
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 5:31 pm

"Hi Zen..." Ume said lazily, as she rubbed her eyes a little. "Yeah, I didn't get much sleep last night..." After yawning a bit, she turned to Sofie, trying to seem like she was in a good mood. "Mmmhmm...I was sleepy for a while and was too lazy to get up. Well, dying it doesn't seem that hard if the person thats dying it is good..."

"They...exploded?" Elena asked chuckling a little. "Well maybe they're off doing stuff? Once again, if they all exploded, we'd probably know by now..."

"Oooh, thats easy to do! ...Sorta..." Toona said while sighing a little. "Maybe we can find the others?~" She said while poking Lucifer's arm.
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 11:05 pm

Zen giggles. "I can tell, you look like you haven't slept for days!" she laughs. She turns to Sofie, then looks back at Ume. "Well, luckily you didn't sleep all day, or we would miss you!" Zen said, smiling. "You are important to all of us."

"Yeah!" Py shrieks. Then he thinks for a little, and looks around slowly. He looks back at Elena. "Nope, they are dead..." he explains. He turns quickly to Shen. "Pffft! Avoid us!? Why would they!? We are as important to the group as anyone else!... Not including Apollo though... he's too important..." he says, rubbing his smooth chin.

Apollo turns to Ume quickly, realizing he has not greeted her yet. "Hey Ume!" he smiles. "You look... pretty..." he looks away from Ume quickly, and looks around at the green grasses. He hasn't seen grass that green in a while, he has only seen dirt, and mud lately.

Nodding, Lucifer stares at Kody. "You do make me happy sometimes." Suddenly, his face turns bright red, he turns to Toona, glaring at her. "I swear, if you touch me again, I will..." he starts rantingm but stops to think. What would he do to her if she touched him again? "I... wiiill..." he murmurs, he smiles. "I will snap your neck so hard, your head will tumble off your neck, onto the ground. Where I will proceed to stomp on it." he smiles. He was so proud of himself.
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 11:29 pm

Shen looks over at Py, yeah I guess were a little important "besides you" he whispers to himself. Then he gives Py a smile. Lets just look around for them. Shen marches around aimlessly. "You two coming!" he chanted

She smiles at Ume and giggles. "What side of the family did purple come from, my blonde came from both sides." Sofie looks over at Apollo and snuggles against him and whispers in his ear.

Patch jumps up and yells at Apollo "I think you forgot about something!" He starts rambling about how mad he was at Apollo and stopped on his foot several times.

Kody plays with his hair. "You make me h-happy all the ummm...time." Kody mumbles. He looks over at Toona and listens to what Lucifer says. Not sure about what he should say to either of them he just encourages Lucifer by saying "G-good one..." cause he knew that was what Lucifer wanted to here.
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2011 4:43 pm

"Heh, I never get any sleep..." She looked up at Zen a little bit and smiled. "Thank you~" Then she turned to Sofie and kept smiling a bit. "My moms, I'm not sure how she got that hair color..." She yawned a little bit, then looked at Apollo, and a little blush spread across her face. "R-really?"

Elena sighed a little bit, and looked at Shen. "Sure, I guess it would be good if we looked for them~" She said as she started to follow him.

"Oh really? I'd like to see you try!" Toona cried out as she smacked Lucifer in his crotch. "YOu gonna break my neck now?~" She said as she hid behind Kody and started to giggle to herself.
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2011 5:05 pm

Zen smiles. "No problem!" she replies. Then she turns to Patch, and watches him have a little tantrum over the water he wanted. She took a deep breath, and let out a long sigh. 'He's so picky... I can't imagine what Apollo's life is like...' she thought to herself.

Py franticly looks around. Then he begins walking slowly, following Elena and Shen. "Hey..." he whispered. "I think we might be being watched... by ninjas..." He looks around, getting nervous. 'We're next! We are going to die!' he thinks to himself, fidgeting his fingers.

Apollo smiles at Sofie, and holds her closer, then he turns to Ume. "Sure you do! You are cute... you are like a little sister to me!" he says happily, chuckling. He quickly turns to Patch, nervously. "Oh, geez!" he whispers to himself, he quickly runs off to go get Patch his water.

"I know..." Lucifer replies to Kody. He has a big smile on his face, still, extremely proud of himself for that threat he explained to Toona. In the prime of his proudness, he hears Toona say something. Not catching one word of what she said, he felt a hand slap him in the crotch. He felt his face turn bright red and his body heat up, his big smile turned into a frown. He glared at Toona, watching her tease him. He hated looking stupid. "Oh, I'm going to break your neck... right after I rip your hands off!" he screams as he quickly approaches Kody. "Move." He says in a firm, demanding voice.
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2011 5:17 pm

Shen looks at Py with a confused look "no more likely Pirates" He says as a joke towards Py as he kept looking for the others. "Are we really this hopeless!"

Sofie watches Apollo get Patch water then looks over at Ume. "That would be so cute if you were Apollos little sister." Sofies giggles and smiles at ume. "I don't have any siblings I wish I did but Apollo doesnt have sibling either, same with Patch, Py, Lucifer.....Kody, do you?

Patch crosses his arms and taps his foot waiting for Apollo making a really pouty face. He looks behind him and he can see Py, Shen and Elena from far away but doesn't say anything he doesn't want Py getting closer than he already is.

Kody hears Lucifer yelling at him. He jumps, making a little yelp and turns red, not expecting Lucifer to be so demanding at the time even if he is most the time, Kody just wasn't ready for that. He gets out of Lucifers way as fast as he could not wanting to make Lucifer an angrier than he already was
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2011 5:24 pm

"Yeah, a little sister..." Ume says quietly and smirks a little bit. Then she turns to look at Sofie again. "Heh, I don't have any siblings...but I'm really glad I don't." Ume's ears twitched a little bit, then she glared at Patch. "Patch...what are you crying about now?"

"Py, there aren't any ninjas around here..." Elena said loudly as she keopy walking, then she turned to Shen. "There would be pirates around here?"

"Oooh, now your gonna break my hands?~" Toona said as her tail swished back and forth. She never really did take Lucifer's threats seriously all that much.
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2011 5:48 pm

Zen sighs, watching Patch pout like a 2 year old girl not getting a toy she wanted. She turned, and looked around, hoping to find Shen...

"P-pirates?" he says, timidly. "Where are the pirates? There aren't any pirate boats around here!" He keeps walking, and starts seeing his friends. "Hey.." he says. "Maybe THEY know where our friends are!" he says happily. He turns to Elena, and laughs. "Ninjas are everywhere, you just can't see them..."

He walks around, looking for a place to find water that Patch would approve. And he knew that Patch was hard to please. "Ug..." he groans.

Lucifer gives Kody a little shove, even though he already moved. He storms up to Toona, and grabs onto Toona's hands. He tightens his grip, and nearly places his face, on Toona's. His nose nearly touching her nose. "Listen..." he growls. "I will seriously hurt you, if you keep making fun of me... I don't know what you have against me, or why you hate me so much, but I don't care. Just back... off..."
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2011 6:14 pm

Shen stopped walking to look around a little managing not to look in the direction of where the others were. He looks over at Py not sure what he is talking about he looks over to where Py was looking and he noticed some of the others. "Py, I see Patch, Zen, Ume and Sofie over there he said."

"What if we were sisters! We would be so cute! Hey you have a sword right? How good are you at it, some day I would love to learn to use a sword! I have a spear gun right now, its pretty cool!" Sofie says with a smile.

Patch looks over a Ume. "Im not "crying" about anything dimwitted elf, a creature like you would get anxious if they saw an organism even grosser than you. Now don't bug me while I wait for my water shrew face." Patch sticks his tongue out.

Kody stumbles a little after being shoved. He turns around and watches Lucifer. He starts making weird motions trying to get Lucifer and then stops. "Don't waste your time with her you have better things to do!" Kody yells. Then looks down in embarrassment.
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PostSubject: Re: Outside, a peaceful time   Outside, a peaceful time I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2011 6:32 pm

Ume looked over at Sofie and smiled a little bit. "Yeah, we probably would...oh, my sword? Well, if I don't say so myself, I guess I'm good at it..." Then Ume turned to Patch and growled a little bit. "Whatever, you little drama queen..."

"See Py? There are the others!" Elena said happily as she pointed towards them. "And no, there aren't any ninjas around here..."

Toona felt Lucifer on her hands and blushd a little, but she just shruged it off. "I don't hate's just my job to tease you!" She said loudly as she stuck her tongue out at Lucifer.
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