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Prom! : The Musical - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Prom! : The Musical   Prom! : The Musical - Page 10 I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 18, 2013 10:39 pm

Skylar smiled happily and placed her hand on her chest where her tattoo was. "Well, at least she actually likes them. And they do have meaning! Well, the one on my back was kind of impulse, but I still like it. I think it's pretty." She said smiling. She blushed when Chaz said they look good on her and she turned to look at Jon in the distance. "Well, he sure seems to still be an idiot now. I don't think that'll change any time soon." Skylar said to Auggy.

Flora felt her phone go off in her bag but she didn't bother to check it. She sighed slightly and sat up. She looked up at Mr. Hamgargle and frowned slightly. She really didn't feel like dealing with him at the moment but she knew she had to be respectful. She let out a soft sigh and looked away from him. "Just girl issues. Nothing to really be worried about at this point."

Jon sat up slightly and frowned when he realized how much he hurt Ray. But at this point his adrenaline was too much for him. He stood up and kicked Ray in the side and walked over to Gavin and Alister. He had a little bit of blood under his nose so he wiped it off slightly. "Alright, that's enough for this. He got beat up and now I'm all bloody and gross." Jon said as he groaned loudly.

Betsy groaned and leaned back in her chair. "That's so obvious! Whoever doesn't know that water travels in a cycle is a dumbass!" Betsy yelled at Ray. She then smirked when she saw Jon kick him in the sides. She looked at Vinny and laughed. "We need to bring him back to those good, innocent times! Plus, I feel like we should let him go a bit longer. Maybe teach him some sort of lesson?"
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PostSubject: Re: Prom! : The Musical   Prom! : The Musical - Page 10 I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 18, 2013 11:03 pm

"Well, I really like the tattoo on your back! I think it's really pretty!" Chaz said happily. Then he looked over at Jon and Ray and gasped a little. He hated the see that people were fighting at prom. It really upset him that Jon was involved with it too, he really cared about him for some reason. He looked at his friends and asked "Should we go over there and see what's happening?" Then he looked at Auggy and said "I'll do something when you're ready to! I can wait!"

"You're right.. We should just wait for her for a few more minutes, then we can do whatever you want." Lilith said to Terance. She opened her journal back up, and began writing about how the night was already getting better. Slowly, but it was surely getting better. She closed her journal and looked back at Terance. "I'm excited for the rest of the night.." she said.

Gavin saw Jon kick Ray again and started to laugh. "Oh my God this is the best day of my life.." he said. He looked at Jon and smiled. "So, you're not going to want to talk to him for a while, am I right?" he asked. He was positive that this point that he would never want to have to do anything with Ray anytime soon.

"So I'm not a dumbass, is what you're saying?" Ray asked Betsy. Then he felt Jon kick him in his said and he coughed loudly and fell over. He wiped his mouth and saw blood on it. He coughed up some blood when he was kicked. At this point, he realized he was defeated. He just laid on the ground and coughed quietly. He looked up at Jon and just frowned. He really thought he was gonna beat him up.

"Oh, Flora, you can tell me anything. I'm your friend." Principle Hamgargle said to Flora. He rested his head on his hands, looking like he was very interested in Flora's problems.
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PostSubject: Re: Prom! : The Musical   Prom! : The Musical - Page 10 I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 18, 2013 11:32 pm

Auggy smirked at Skylar, "Once an idiot always an idiot." he said and laughed a little. He really thought Ray was an idiot, especially to pick a fight with Jon. He looked over at Chaz who seemed upset about the fight. "We can if you want, it would be interesting to see what happened." he said to Chaz. Then got up to go walk over there, he thought it would be fun to see a fight even though it already seemed to be over.

Alister frowned watching this fight, he was happy Jon won but he hated that Ray got so hurt even more than he hated Ray. He looked up at Gavin who was obviously enjoying this more than he was, "Gavin, Ray looks really hurt. I know we hate him but I hate seeing people hurt more than I hate him." he said to Gavin honestly as he looked back over at Ray laying on the ground.

Terance nodded just a few more minutes should be right he thought. "Yeah, just a few more minutes and if it takes longer than that we could go check on her if you want." he said to her. Terance was really excited to hear Lilith was excited, "I am too Lilith." he said to her and smiled. He was now sure she felt better and that this was gonna be a good night.

Vinny looked at Betsy, "Yeah, maybe he can just change one day like have a vision that changes his life." she says and laughs. she then saw Ray fall to the ground again, the fight was defiantly over now. She grabbed a napkin and walked over to ray. She started cleaning up the blood and smiled at him. "You really showed him." she said joking. "You gonna be okay buddy?" she asked.
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PostSubject: Re: Prom! : The Musical   Prom! : The Musical - Page 10 I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 18, 2013 11:45 pm

Skylar smiled happily and stood up slowly. "Thank you Chaz! It always makes me happy to hear that you like my tattoos." She said, blushing a little bit. She looked back over at Jon and smirked slightly at Auggy. "That's the truth." She said. She nodded at the two of them and agreed to walk over to see what all of the commotion was about. "Well, if it's over we can at least find out what happened."

Flora frowned slightly and just wished that the principle would leave her alone in her own thoughts, even if that wasn't the greatest thing to do. "No it's perfectly fine. I was just having some trouble with my friends and it was just stressing me out a little bit." Flora admitted. She wished that he would leave it at that and not bother her about the details about the whole situation.

Jon looked over at Gavin and shrugged. "I guess so. I mean, since he punched me first I'm a little angry about it." He said. He looked down at Ray and frowned when he saw him looking at him. It almost made him feel a little guilty about what he just did, but then again he did throw the first punch.

"Well depends. You're smart sometimes but other times you can be a total douche." Betsy said flipping her hair slightly to one side. She looked back at Vinny and smiled. "I wish that that could happen soon. I don't wanna play baby sitter all of the time with him now! He just has to grow up a bit." Betsy said. She stood up and walked over to Ray with Vinny and sighed loudly. "Way to go."
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Prom! : The Musical - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Prom! : The Musical   Prom! : The Musical - Page 10 I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 19, 2013 12:17 am

Chaz smiled and blushed at Skylar and said "I'm glad that I can make you happy." Then he stood up and started walking towards Jon and the others. He looked down at Ray and he was bleeding a lot, then he looked at Jon. He saw that he was hurt too. "What happened over here?" he asked Jon with a worried look on his face.

"Okay, sounds like a plan." Lilith said. She was wondering what Flora was doing right now. She check her phone, and there were no new messages, then she put it back away. "Do you know what you would want to do next?" she asked. "I guess eating would be good.. or whatever you want.."

Gavin smiled at Jon and said "Well, that's great! I'm glad that you could see all that is that horrible spick, Ray." Then he looked at Alister and frowned a little bit. He was upset that Alister didn't see how great this truly was. "I think that Vinny and Betsy are going to help him out.. He's going to be okay." Gavin explained.

"I'm not a douche! I'm a good guy!" Ray yelled at Betsy. He held his side tightly and slowly and painfully stood up. "Shut up." Ray said to Vinny and Betsy. He placed his one hand on Betsy's shoulder, and the other on Vinny's. "I'm gonna be fine, Vinny. I guess I'm not that good of a fighter after all.

Principle Hamgargle wrapped his arm around Flora and said "Listen, I'm here for you. I can help you. Pour your heart out." He looked down Flora's dress for a moment, then looked back at her. He couldn't help it.
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Prom! : The Musical - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Prom! : The Musical   Prom! : The Musical - Page 10 I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 25, 2013 12:30 am

Auggy looked at everything that happened and pointed at Ray and started laughing a little. He thought it was so funny how badly Ray lost. "Good job!" he said to him then looked back at Skylar, "He is so stupid." he said still laughing a little. Auggy noticed how worried Chaz was about Jon, he really didn't know exactly what Chaz thought of Jon but he knew he cared a lot about him. "I think he is fine." he said to Chaz.

Alister just noticed Jon was hurt a little and got more stressed out. "Jon, are you okay?" he asked concerned. Then looked at Gavin, "Okay, I just want everybody to have fun." he said and saw Betsy and Vinny helping Ray and felt a little better. He stood next to Gavin wishing he was enjoying all of this as much as he was but he couldn't help but to feel bad for Ray.

Terance was happy all of this drama was over and smiled at Lilith. "We can get food if you want, that would be cool." he said to her and started to stand up. He waited for her cause he learned that she is expecting him to escort her everywhere. "I bet there is some good food and if there isn't we can go out to eat later at a nice place." he said to her.

Vinny looked at Betsy and smiled a little, "After this we will get him to sober up and stop drinking so much." she said to her. She really wished Ray knew the difference from right and wrong. She knew he isn't as bad as people think he is but she doesn't know how to help him change. She then smiled at Ray, "I will never shut up." she said and grabbed his hip to help him stand, "You want to sit?" she asked

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PostSubject: Re: Prom! : The Musical   Prom! : The Musical - Page 10 I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 25, 2013 2:10 pm

Skylar blushed and placed her hands on her hips lightly. "So am I. Usually you're the only one that can make me happy." She said to Chaz. She walked over to Jon and the others and frowned when she saw the aftermath of everything. "Well, looks like we missed a lot. Too bad." Skylar said shrugging her shoulders slightly. She looked over at Auggy and chuckled quietly. "He really is. Why does he even bother getting into fights that he knows that he can't even win?"

Flora frowned slightly and crossed her legs when she felt Mr. Hamgargle wrap his arm around her. She was getting more and more uncomfortable, and she was hoping that he would leave soon. "I would rather not, I think that I'll just keep my stories and such to myself." She said quietly.

Jon looked over at Chaz and frowned slightly. "Well Ray picked a fight with me for no reason so I fought him back. As simple as that." Jon said, shrugging his shoulders slightly. He then looked over at Alister and nodded slightly. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just not used to fighting people, that's all." He said, rolling his shoulders around to try to stretch them out a bit. He looked down at Ray and frowned slightly. He felt bad for hurting him, but at this rate he couldn't let anyone know.

"No you aren't! If you were a good guy then maybe you wouldn't be picking fights with everyone." Betsy said as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder to try to get him to stand up correctly. She looked over at Vinny and sighed. "I hope that it'll work! If he even so tries to get another drink I'll probably end up punching him in the duuuumb face."
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PostSubject: Re: Prom! : The Musical   Prom! : The Musical - Page 10 I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 25, 2013 3:27 pm

"Awwwww! Hearing you say that makes me soooo happy!" Chaz said to Skylar cheerfully. Chaz looked at Jon and sighed a little bit. He never understood why people always pick fights with other people. He hated when people fought. "Well, I'm glad that nobody got seriously hurt.." Chaz said quietly. He looked over at Ray and felt bad. He knew that he could change and be a great person. He just hated to see people in such a rut.

Lilith stood up and put her arm out, waiting for Terance to link his arm around hers. "I hope there's good food.. this school doesn't tend to have great food.." she said to Terance. She looked around for Flora and didn't see her. "I guess Flora will be back soon." she said quietly.

"Maybe Ray will have fun when he sobers up a little bit, I don't know." Gavin said to Alister. He looked over at Ray, Betsy and Vinny. He noticed that Betsy and Vinny don't really do much to try to control him, which did bother him a little bit. But at least they didn't make him start that fight..from what he knew.

Ray rolled his eyes when he heard Auggy tell him good job. "Hey, good job with hobbling over here." he said to him in an annoyed tone of voice. Then he glared at Betsy. "Why is everyone saying I picked a fight!? Vinny told me that Jon said that he wanted to fight me! So Jon picked the fight! Why am I always the bad guy!?" he yelled at her. Ray felt Vinny help him stand, then he sat in a chair by himself and just pouted.

Mr. Hamgargle sighed a little bit. "I just want to help you.." he said quietly to her. "Is there anything I could do for you?"
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PostSubject: Re: Prom! : The Musical   Prom! : The Musical - Page 10 I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 25, 2013 11:26 pm

Auggy smirked at Ray, he didn't really care when Ray insulted him since it was always about the same thing, "Im doing a better job at walking than you right now." he said and stuck his tongue out at him. He looked over at Skylar "Probably just cause he is an idiot who thinks he can win any fight he gets himself into." he says to Skylar. He looks over at Jon and then Ray wishing that he got to see the fight.

Alister smiled at Gavin, "That would be okay as long as he is done bothering us." he says to him. He looked over at Ray getting helped by Vinny and Betsy, he wished Ray would treat everyone like he treated Vinny. Alister then looked at Jon and smiled at him, happy to hear he was okay. "Well thats good to hear. Hopefully you won't have to fight anyone ever again." he said to him.

Terance took Liliths arm and started walking towards the food with her. He was hoping she would find something to eat, he knew she would probably have a problem with the quality of the food. "I bet she will be back soon, probably just thinking and calming down." he said as he grabbed a plate for the food and handed Lilith one. The food looked okay to his standers. "I think we can find something." he said to her.

Vinny felt bad about what she did, she knew Ray was gonna lose no matter what but she thought it was worth a shot. "I never said Jon, but I did hear Gavin telling Jon that he could beat you up. So that means they wanted a fight and got it." she said to him honestly. "You want some freaking punch?" she asked. Vinny then looked over at Betsy "He is not having anymore drinks tonight, he will listen to us." she said smiling.

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Prom! : The Musical - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Prom! : The Musical   Prom! : The Musical - Page 10 I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 26, 2013 7:49 pm

Skylar blushed at Chaz and swayed back and forth happily. She loved when Chaz tried to make her happy. She wasn't a very happy person, but when she was actually happy, boy she was happy. Skylar looked over at Auggy and sighed. "Yeah, he's one of those people. They think that they can win whatever fight they get into but then end up just falling flat right on their face." Skylar said as she placed a hand on her head and sighed loudly again.

Flora sighed loudly and stood up and brushed her dress off. "No it's nothing. If you really wanna do something to help, then make my best friend like me back." Flora said. She looked back at the dancing hall and frowned. She wished that she could be out there dancing with Lilith, but she knew it wouldn't happen.

Jon looked over at Chaz and nodded slightly. "Yeah, I guess it's a good thing nothing bad happened. I'm kind of glad nothing happened to me either." Jon said, whispering the last part of the sentence to himself. He then nodded at Alister. "It isn't fun to fight others. I prefer some self defense." He said. Jon rolled his sleeve up slightly and flexed his arm muscle and smirked. "Gotta put these to good use at least. Probably to just help others get in shape!"

"Well why don't you go back in time and fix it then? Jon didn't wanna fight and you just went for it! But what's done is done, so now you can just relax." Betsy said as she went and patted Ray on the top of the head. "And you aren't the bad guy. Just don't drink as much next time..." She mumbled. Betsy then looked at Vinny and nodded. "Let's just ban him from the drink table. However, I can still drink! I'll definitely take a punch." She said happily. "Boy, do I reaaaally need a drink."
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PostSubject: Re: Prom! : The Musical   Prom! : The Musical - Page 10 I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 28, 2013 12:10 am

"Well, I don't think you should hold a grudge against Ray or anything. I think he just needs some help. I know he could be a good guy! I mean, he's nice to Vinny, so he could be nice to everyone, right?" Chaz said to Jon. He was hoping that he wasn't sounding so pushy or rude. He wasn't really sure if Jon hated him or not, but he really didn't want him to. Then he looked at Auggy and Skylar and frowned slightly. "Maybe we shouldn't say mean things about him.." he said quietly. He wasn't a big fan of Ray, but he never wanted to say anything bad about him.

Lilith walked up to the food and examined it a bit. She didn't want to eat anything that was too disgusting. After looking at the food for a few moments, she nodded slightly and said "I think it looks okay. But I guess eating it is the only way to really find out how bad it truly is." She picked up a plate then looked at Terance and said "I hope she comes back soon.. She's going to miss the whole prom just sitting out there!" She started putting some food on her plate; pasta, chicken and some other things. Then she turned and waited for Terance to finish.

"Yeah, I think I've had enough Ray for one day.." Gavin said to Alister. Gavin doesn't remember the last time he talked to Ray when he was sober, but he didn't really care enough to make an effort to talk to him then. He looked over at Jon as he flexed his muscles and he smiled a little bit. "Dude, you're so strong! You could've killed Ray if you wanted to.. IF you wanted to." he said.

Ray looked at Vinny and frowned a bit. "So I lost to a guy that didn't even wanna fight me? I started it? Ugh I'm such a loser! You made me a loser!" he said to Vinny as he covered his face in embarrassment. "I want some punch.. I guess.." he said quietly. Then he looked over at Betsy and said "You're making me sound like the bad guy!" He pouted and crossed his arms. He felt Betsy pat his head and he continued to pout more. "I'll drink as much as I want..." he mumbled.

Mr. Hamgargle thought for a few moments and said "Just drug him or something I dunno." Then he looked at Mr. Friendlytoad and waved back at him happily.
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Prom! : The Musical - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Prom! : The Musical   Prom! : The Musical - Page 10 I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 19, 2015 1:51 am

Mr Friendlytoad got a little drunk. He passionately kissed Flora, he knew she liked it cause she was blushing. He couldn't wait till the after party.
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